Monday, December 3, 2012


Royal Wedding Crashers

The bells are ringing throughout Priodas. The princess is getting married to a peasant. A Cinderella story but what if it is just a plot made by some pirates...(needs people)


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Member for 0 years

Would love to reserve the role of the Captains Sister! xD

We should all be viewed as beautiful, but in different ways.
No one type should rule, and no one type should be ridiculed.
We should all be allowed to feel pretty, with no shame or self-pitty.


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~Lonesome Butterfly~
Member for 0 years

I'll do it for you no problem

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Member for 0 years

Can I reserve the first mate? Also, I can't find the color guide to what species the characters are, can you please tell me what that one is suppose to be, please :).

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Member for 0 years

Sorry I had them saved but for some reason they didn't go in when I put them in the rules sorry.

It's a female mermaid so if you want her go ahead if not feel free to take another

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Member for 0 years

That's alrigth. I'll start working on her right away!

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chris brown cam newton steelers danielle fishel aaron rodgers FedEx Gabriel Aubry

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