Monday, December 3, 2012

Create Prezi Presentations on iPad, View and Share on iPhone ...

Prezi, the online presentation tool that uses a ?zooming? canvas rather than slides, has just introduced a brand new iPhone app along with a new iPad editor to accommodate a workforce that is becoming increasingly mobile.

Prezi?s CEO, Peter Arvai, said:

?We now have a very strong ecosystem to support workers on the go. You can start making presentations on your desktop computer at work, continue working or building new presentations from your iPad, and then view and share them on your iPhone.?

Previously, Prezi?s iPad app only allowed users to view presentations and make edits to existing presentations. The new update allows users to create brand new presentations from scratch on the iPad app.

The photo above shows how a user might edit text on the updated iPad app. When viewing the finished presentation, users can actually scroll around a huge whiteboard, zooming to different text, photos, videos and other media as they come up throughout the presentation, rather than just going through a predetermined list of slides.

The new iPhone app allows users to view and share presentations. This is the first app for iPhone that Prezi has released. Both the iPad and iPhone apps are available for free.

In addition to the new mobile features, Prezi has announced many other enhancements to its service over the last several months, including 3D animation, pre-made templates, reusable templates that users can edit rather than starting from scratch, and a completely redesigned user interface and website.

As with all of Prezi?s tools, none of these new features require users to have any programming or technical animation knowledge.

Arvai said that part of what makes Prezi different from other presentation tools is that it allows workers to get creative and brainstorm on an open canvas:

?A big trend we?re noticing is that creative work is becoming more and more valuable in the workplace. And with that, we?ve noticed Prezi becoming more and more a part of the actual workflow of creating a presentation and brainstorming rather than just a tool to present an end result.?

Prezi offers a free version for building and publishing presentations online. For $4.92 per month, users can build presentations online and keep them private. And for $13.25 per month, users can install a pro version on their computer and work offline.

Prezi first launched in Budapest in 2009. The company currently has about 100 employees with offices in Budapest and San Francisco.

About Annie Pilon

Annie Pilon Annie Pilon is a freelance writer specializing inmarketing, social media, and creative topics. When she?s not writing for her various freelance projects or her personal blog Wattlebird, she can be found exploring all that her home state of Michigan has to offer.



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