Monday, December 31, 2012

Report: Kia design chief Peter Schreyer named Hyundai-Kia President

Peter Schreyer

Automotive News reports Peter Schreyer has been appointed the first non-Korean president of Hyundai-Kia Motor Group. Schreyer is expected to retain his role as the chief designer for Kia, while also taking on new, high-level executive duties. He is now one of three presidents at the automaker.

The designer made a name for himself at Volkswagen, where he penned the 1998 New Beetle and lent his eye to the Audi TT. In 2006, Schreyer moved to Kia, where he quickly revised the brand's styling from bland, forgettable lines to bold, "tiger nose" creations. Analysts attribute much of the brand's recent sales success to Schreyer's influence.

Kia is expected to move 2.75 million units worldwide next year, while sister company Hyundai will likely beat its 2012 sales forecast of 4.29 million units, according to CFO Lee Won Hee.

Click here to watch Schreyer in action.

Kia's Design Chief Breaks Down the 2011 Kia Optima


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Barack Obama On 'Meet the Press': President Addresses Guns, Fiscal Cliff

Obama spoke less than 48 hours before the deadline for the U.S. government to find a way to avert the so-called "fiscal cliff," and thusly the ongoing fight in Washington over the crucial issue consumed much of the pre-recorded conversation with David Gregory.

"I remain an optimist," Obama said when asked if he believed a deal could be reached on the fiscal cliff, but he tempered that by stating that "the fact that it's not happening is an indication of how far some factions in the Republican Party have gone" away from popular centrist positions like support for tax cuts for the middle class.

Obama predicted that one of two things will happen in regard to the fiscal cliff. The first possibility, he said, is that "we're going to see an agreement within the next 48 hours" that will keep the country from going over the fiscal cliff, therefore allowing for the continuation the tax breaks, unemployment benefits and other economy-boosting measures that will lapse if a deal is not reached by the end of the year.

The second possibility Obama laid out is that Congress will not be able to come to an agreement that satisfies both sides of the aisle, and the nation will go over the cliff. But even that should not be a source of too much despair, the President said, as if it indeed does not pass in time, then next year "the first bill will be to cut taxes on middle-class families."

Speaking on the topic of gun control, Obama drove home just how much he was personally moved by the shocking display of violence that left 20 schoolchildren and six adults dead earlier this month when 20-year-old Adam Lanza went on a shooting rampage at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Conn.

"That was the worst day of my presidency," he told Gregory.

He went on to explain that he supports a range of gun control proposals including an assault weapons ban, bans on oversized clips, and background checks for gun purchasers. But Obama declined to outright denounce the NRA's proposal to put an armed security guard in every American school, though he said he does not believe that such a move would alone be enough to solve the issue of gun violence in the United States.

He added that he believes that if Americans were "shook up enough" by the Newtown massacre, then the will and public support will be there to do big things to address gun violence.


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Russian deputy finance minister Savatyugin resigns

MOSCOW (Reuters) - Russian Deputy Finance Minister Alexei Savatyugin, who oversees the financial markets, banking and insurance sectors, has submitted his resignation.

He published a photo of the letter on Twitter, asking Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev to accept his resignation from January 9.

Savatyugin, who has been in the job since 2010, declined to comment to Reuters on his future job plans.

His resignation comes before a reform of the Russian financial sector as the government plans to bring regulation of financial markets and banks under one roof at the central bank in a move seen part of a drive to transform Moscow into an international financial hub.

(Reporting by Dasha Korsunskaya; Writing by Maya Dyakina; Editing by Maria Kiselyova and Angus MacSwan)


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Sunday, December 30, 2012

Senate renews warrantless surveillance act

46 min.

The U.S. Senate Friday voted?overwhelmingly in favor of keeping a?George W. Bush-era surveillance law that will allow continued warrantless surveillance of Americans for the next five years.

The Senate's 73-23 vote on the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) is an extension of the warrantless wiretapping law that grants legal immunity to telecommunications providers in order to continue to assist intelligence agencies with monitoring communications.

In addition to phone calls, text messages and emails may also be obtained by investigators for counterterrorism purposes, an easy assertion for law enforcement to make, Gizmodo reports.

The Electronic Frontier Foundation, an Internet rights advocacy organization, claimed in a statement that the act "allows the government to get secret FISA court orders???orders that do not require probable cause like regular warrants???for any emails or phone calls going to and from overseas. The communications only have to deal with "foreign intelligence information," a broad term that can mean virtually anything. And one secret FISA order can be issued against groups or categories of people???potentially affecting hundreds of thousands of Americans at once."

"Incredibly, the Senate rejected all the proposed amendments that would have brought a modicum of transparency and oversight to the government's activities," the EFF said?Friday?after the vote.

The bill is now headed for President Obama's desk where he is expected to sign it. Although an identical bill elicited contentious debate in 2008, a different political climate made passage much easier now.

"This is the last opportunity for the next five years for the Congress to exercise a modest measure of real oversight over this intelligence surveillance law," Sen. Ron Wyden,?D-Oregon, told the press before the vote. "It is not real oversight when the United States Congress cannot get a yes or no answer to the question of whether an estimate currently exists as to whether law abiding Americans have had their phone calls and emails swept up under the FISA law."

Wyden had introduced an amendment to the bill that would have forced the National Security Agency?to disclose how many Americans had been affected by FISA. Since 2009 the agency has refused to share that information on the basis that it would violate the privacy of those affected.?

Copyright 2012?TechNewsDaily, a TechMediaNetwork company. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.


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Saturday, December 29, 2012

Building Your Dream Home in Mexico ? Permits and Early Steps Part 2

Yesterday I offered a brief overview of some of the first key steps in the process of building a home in Mexico.? Today?s post offers a closer overview of an all-important topic ? permits.

Building a home in MexicoPermits

One of the most important early items will be the permits.? As one builder puts it, the only permit needed to proceed with building is a construction permit, which is granted by the municipality; however, there are permits needed to gain this permit, and others that could cause complications later on (such as fines or even putting the project on hold) if they are not in place.

Permits are not the same for each project.? For example, a home built next to the beach in places like Playa del Carmen will require several environmental permits from the federal and state governments.? (It must also be noted that there are plenty of lots in the Playa del Carmen real estate area that are within a short distance to the beach, but do not require any extra permits.)

In cases where a lot is wooded, there are permit to remove the vegetation. This can be avoided by buying a prepared lot; if someone chooses a ?raw? lot to save money, the will need to consider not only the cost of clearing, but also the cost of the permit to remove the vegetation and the time to gain this permit.? This item will need to be considered in markets like Tulum real estate, where much of the area is still jungle. Often agreements to leave a significant portion of the trees standing can make the process easier, and add value to the property.

There are also documents that prove that a property owner is indeed paying their workers, perhaps involving unions, depending on who is hired to do the work.? These documents will not be required to validate the building, but offer protection for the owner down the road.

Building a home in Mexico

Even the building permit itself will require several ?endorsements;? for example, it will need a stamp of approval from Hacienda, which is Mexico?s equivalent to the IRA, as well as the Health Department.

Again, an experienced professional will know best which permits are necessary and how to navigate through the process of obtaining them.? Property owners who decide to give it a go on their own should proceed carefully, taking all necessary time to do their homework before beginning any preparation or step of construction, talking to people who have built in the same community to ensure they have necessary permits and have covered their grounds.

Andy Welbourne, from London, Ontario, has been living in Playa del Carmen and working as a part of the team with Thomas Lloyd for 7 years. He has worked with many Canadians and Americans to assist in finding their dream home in the Mexican Caribbean; many of these clients have turned into great friendships. Contact Andy at (512) 879-6546.

The TOP Mexico Real Estate Network; ?Mexico?s Leading Network of Specialists for Finding and Purchasing Mexican Properties Safely!?



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Junk Food For the Vegan Soul | Holy Cow!|Eggless Recipes|Dairy ...

Before you get started with New Year's resolutions about being good, here's a post about being bad. Really, really bad.

Oh, come on! I'm talking about food. This is a G-rated blog, y'know.

When people think about vegans, the first thing they imagine is a bunch of do-gooders who read every ingredient label twice and then once more, interrogate waiters as if they were accessories to murder, and in general subject themselves to absolute deprivation because we don't want to murder animals for food.

Worse, the world worries, we will force our food habits on them (I swear a new acquaintance rolled her eyes last week when I mentioned we choose a vegetarian-friendly restaurant for a lunch outing).

But we vegans like to play dangerous too. And yes, our decadence can often be, ahem, rather healthy, but ?there are lots of foods out there we love that qualify as total junk, even in the non-vegan world. And that, just before those resolutions kick in, is exactly what this fun post is all about: it's my rather?counterintuitive list of five of my most favorite-- and widely available -- junk food splurges that are also inadvertently vegan. Meaning the manufacturers never intended them to be vegan and they are not labeled as such, but they just ended up being so.

This is a short list because it's just mine, but for more inspiration check out PETA's long list of foods?you can buy off supermarket shelves that are also "accidentally" vegan. If you are a non-vegan who glances at this list and wonders if all this stuff isn't obviously vegan, trust me when I say that readymade foods that may seem very obviously animal-free are very often not. Do you know, for instance, that even after being sued for its beef-fat-fried French Fries way back when, McDonald's continues to use in its fries a flavoring derived from beef and from milk products, making this potato product entirely non-vegetarian?

I also want to?clarify that I am not endorsing the products I have listed here, or encouraging people to eat unhealthy. I like eating good-for-me stuff too, most of the time. But I do believe, with all my heart, that the occasional french fry (although not a McDonald's one) does more good than harm to a human soul.

So here goes, not in any particular order:

1. Oreos: I love these delicious little black-and-white nuggets and although I don't eat them as often as I'd love to, I would probably put them on my list of foods I'd want to eat on my death bed. A word of caution, though: I learned this when I posted my Oreo Cake that although these delicious sandwich cookies are vegan in the United States, they could contain whey in other countries in Europe and Asia where they are also manufactured and sold.

2.?Ghirardelli White Mocha Hot Chocolate: I love nothing more than to snuggle into bed with a cup of hot chocolate, and what's better than white hot chocolate? This is by far the most delicious drink I have ever had in my life-- mix it with some soymilk and you are ready to go to heaven.

3. Lay's Potato Chips: I love potatoes. There, I've said it. I don't care if they sit on my hips for the rest of my life, because what would good would life be without the occasional plunge into a crackling bag of crispy, salty, absolutely incredible potato chips?

4. Cinnamon Life cereal: This may qualify as breakfast food, but let's not kid ourselves: with a ton of sugar and almost no protein and fiber, this is not a healthy splurge. But it's SO good.

5. Fritos: Deep-fried corn? Bring it on!

So what are your guilty pleasures that were never meant to be vegan but are? Chime in!


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Worms turn metal into semiconductors

1 day

Worms are useful in the garden and great for fish bait, but one of their talents has remained hidden ? until now. Scientists have discovered that worms can manufacture tiny semiconductors. ?

At King's College in London, researchers fed an ordinary red worm, Lumbricus rubellus, soil laced with metals. The worm produced quantum dots, nano-sized semiconductors that are used in imaging, LED technologies and solar cells. The experiment was published in the Dec. 23 issue of the journal Nature Nanotechnology.

The worms created these electronic components because of their ability to detoxify their body tissue. When worms ingest the metals, proteins in their body shuttle these "toxins" to tissues called chloragogen cells that are similar to a liver in mammals. In the case of?cadmium, a molecule called?metallothionein attaches to it to take it away.?Through several chemical steps the worm separates the metals from the organic molecules they are attached to and stores them in tiny cavities its body, but not forever: eventually whatever toxic metals the worm eats are excreted.?

Squirmy semiconductor factories
In the experiment the scientists spiked soil with cadmium chloride and sodium tellurite (sodium, telluride and oxygen). The ability of worms to process cadmium is well known, but it wasn't clear what they would do with the tellurium in the sodium tellurite.

The worms ended up making tiny particles of cadmium telluride, a crystalline compound that is also a semiconductor. Those tiny particles ? called quantum dots ? were then taken out of the worms' tissue. The dots themselves are only nanometers across. [Twisted Physics: 7 Mind-Bending Findings]

In biological imaging, quantum dots are used in place of dyes because they can be "tuned" to glow at specific wavelengths. Cadmium telluride dots, for example, glow green when hit with blue light. The researchers tested the dots on animal cells and found they worked as well as the ones created in laboratories.

The success doesn't mean that thousands of worms are to be sacrificed for dot-making, said co-author Mark Green, a reader in nanotechnology at King's College.

"The interesting bit is that semiconductor quantum dots, which emit light, were made in a living animal," he told Livescience via email. "The aim of the work wasn?t to come up with a new synthetic process of making dots that are better than bench-synthesized materials, it was just to see if we could do solid-state chemistry in a living animal ? and it appears we can!"

A dotty idea
Green said the idea occurred to him several years back when he was an Oxford University post-doctoral researcher. He heard a lecturer note that animals use certain proteins to get rid of toxic metals such as cadmium. Green realized he was doing something similar to make cadmium telluride quantum dots in the lab, sans worms.

He wondered if some extra chemical might spur worms to make their own cadmium telluride quantum dots.

"The big problem," he said, "was that I didn't know enough biology, and I could see immediately that trying to get the dots out of an animal would be a problem."

So Green shelved the idea for a few years, until he met Stephen St?rzenbaum, the lead author of the paper. St?rzenbaum told Green that he knew exactly where cadmium given to worms went: to the detoxifying chloragogen cells. Since the cadmium ? and thus the nanoscale dots ? would end up there, it would be relatively easy to get them out of the worm.

So they tried it. It worked.

"We were very surprised, didn't really expect it to work that easily," Green said.

The quantum dots Green and his team made aren't quite the quality of the lab-bench versions. That may change, though. "We'd like to think we can play around with some of the chemistry and make them better," Green said.

Follow LiveScience on Twitter @livescience. We're also on Facebook?& Google+.?

Copyright 2012 LiveScience, a TechMediaNetwork company. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.


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Friday, December 28, 2012

McAfee's Top 2013 Online Security Threats and How to Protect ...

December 26, 2012 Posted by Polina Polishchuk

With a new year comes new threats to your online security; today McAfee released their 2013 Threat Predictions report. We got a chance to read the full report and talk with McAfee Threat Researcher Ryan Sherstobitoff about the ways that cybercriminals are evolving their malicious techniques. Below are a couple of the top online threat predictions of 2013 and what you can do to help protect yourself:

To help protect your smartphone in 2013 it is important to always make sure your phone's operating system is up-to-date. This can help protect you from mobile worms that buy malicious apps without your consent and ransomware kits that allow criminals to extort payments from you. In addition, the new attack on the rise in 2013 is malware that actually blocks important security updates to your phone. This is more common in smartphones that have been ?rooted? or ?unlocked.? Thus, even though you might get some fun features out of it, it is safer not to do this so that your phone can keep receiving security updates.

Windows 8
Though the new Windows 8 will be more secure, McAfee points out that criminals will figure out a way to get around it. They predict that more and more users will be tricked into revealing information or installing malicious programs with cybercriminals' evolved phishing techniques. So if you do upgrade to Windows 8, do not solely rely on the built-in security to keep you safe. You must always make sure that your security software is updated as well as all of your computer programs. If you need to install security software onto your PC, check out our comparison chart so you can find the right one for you.

"Big-Scale" attacks on businesses
Rather than the attacking users' servers and computers for the benefit of financial gain or access to intellectual property, there have been several recent attacks where the only goal was to cause as much damage as possible. "We expect this malicious behavior to grow in 2013," McAfee wrote in their report. The best way to help protect yourself against these sort of attacks is to make sure all of your data is backed up off-location. It would be beneficial for consumers and businesses to back up their systems incrementally with an online backup service, so if a catastrophe were to occur, no data would be lost.

Resolve to protect yourself in 2013!?As we mentioned above, be sure your computer and smartphone operating systems are always updated, your Internet security software is up-to-date and your computers are being incrementally backed up with an online backup service. In addition to these security tips, Threat Researcher Ryan Sherstobitoff also advised that it is important for users to be weary of all links and to make sure that they are authentic before clicking, always. Check out McAfee's full 2013 Threat Predictions report here.



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US rejects No Child Left Behind waiver for Calif.

Jacquelyn Martin / AP file

U.S. Education Secretary Arne Duncan offered states waivers last year, saying No Child Left Behind forced school districts 'into one-size-fits-all solutions that just don't work.'

By M. Alex Johnson, NBC News

California has become apparently only the second state ? and by far the largest ? to be denied a waiver of requirements of the No Child Left Behind education program, state officials said.

Thirty-four states and the District of Columbia have won waivers from provisions of the 2001 law, one of the signature achievements of the administration of former President George W. Bush, while nine other states and Puerto Rico have received conditional approval or have applications pending, according to the U.S. Education Department.

The agency doesn't publicize which states have been turned down, but Iowa is the only other state to have publicly acknowledged that it has been rejected.

California officials got the news Friday by telephone, The San Jose Mercury News reported, quoting Michael Kirst, president of the state Board of Education.

Kirst told the Mercury News that California's unwillingness to tie teacher evaluations to student test scores was what sank the state's request.

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The denial wasn't a surprise ? Kirst and state school Superintendent Tom Torlakson warned local administrators in an open letter Friday (.pdf) that federal officials had indicated that California's request would be turned down.

No Child Left Behind

Thirty-four states and the District of Columbia have won waivers from the 2001 No Child Left Behind law. Nine states (in addition to the Puerto Rico) have received conditional approval or have requests pending:
- Alabama
- Alaska
- Hawaii
- Illinois
- Maine
- New Hampshire
- North Dakota
- Texas
- West Virginia

Two states are known to have been rejected:
- Iowa

Five states haven't requested waivers or have withdrawn their requests:
- Nebraska
- Pennsylvania (plans to request a waiver at a later date)
- Vermont
- Wyoming

Sources: U.S. Education Department; California Education Department; San Jose Mercury News; State of Iowa

"It is disappointing that our state's request ? which enjoyed such strong support from parents, teachers, administrators, and education advocates across California ? has apparently been rejected," Torlakson said in a separate statement.

Authorization for No Child Left Behind ? formal title: the Elementary and Secondary Education Act, or ESEA ? expired in 2007, and Congress hasn't acted to rewrite or refresh it. Last year, the Education Department told the states that they could apply for waivers pending a new law because the current law was "forcing districts into one-size-fits-all solutions that just don't work," Education Secretary Arne Duncan said at the time.

In the meantime, the old law continues to impose student test score standards that keep rising every year, to the point that many states say they're unrealistic in 2012. Critics contend that the law locks states into inflexible standards focused solely on reading and math, neglecting subjects like social studies, the arts, health and physical education.

Majority of states lining up to ditch No Child Left Behind

The old standards require a 100 percent rate of proficiency on standardized reading and math tests by 2014. The penalty for falling short is loss of federal funding for schools serving low-income children.

"On behalf of millions of parents, teachers, administrators and community members who fight for all children every day, we urge you to join us in prioritizing education by coming together to reauthorize and fix No Child Left Behind. We've waited long enough," Betsy Landers, president of the National PTA, wrote in an open letter to President Barack Obama last month.

Torlakson agreed, telling state educators: "The appropriate solution is for Congress to reauthorize the ESEA, replace its inflexible requirements with provisions that accommodate the differences in state policy approaches, and give districts adequate flexibility to improve student achievement."

But that doesn't appear likely to happen any time soon, with Congress transfixed by the looming "fiscal cliff" and immigration reform.

"At the moment, it's unclear if there is a real commitment and consensus in Congress for reauthorizing," Duncan told the Council of Chief State School Officers in a speech last month. "I wish there was a clear commitment and consensus."

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Netflix Hammers Privacy Protections - Pilant's Business Ethics

Netflix Hammers Privacy Protections
Netflix Hammers Privacy Protections

Netflix Hammers Privacy Protections

Netflix now has the right to share your viewing habits ?

After nearly two years of intense lobbying, Netflix has won the reform it needs to integrate its services with Facebook. Ars Technica first reported that the Senate quietly passed a reform to the Video Privacy Protection Act (VPPA) last week, giving video streaming companies the right to share your data for up to two years after asking for your permission once. (Mother Jones notes that ?The Senate didn?t even hold a recorded vote: The bill was approved by unanimous consent?).

Netflix now has the right to share your viewing habits ?


This is a government subsidy to a business, in this case, a particular business. The act gives away a right to privacy with no return to the consumer.

Is this good business ethics? One of the first tests of ethics is the question, ?Is it legal?? The ?reform? makes what was previously illegal into a legal act. It?s also intensely profitable. This passes the sole test of Friedman?s code, ?Does it enhance shareholder value?? Yes, it makes more money for the company. I would expect the company?s value to be enhanced.

But this is slicing good business ethics pretty thin. It?s legal and profitable. But so are a great many things that we can be ashamed of.

Is it bad business ethics? It takes a public good, privacy, and converts it to private profit. What did consumers gain from allowing Netflix to sell their information to other companies? That easy, they won the right to be specifically targeted in advertising. Their viewing habits can be used to get a handle on their political beliefs, whether they have children, etc.

It might be argued that the consumer has to give permission to access his records. A blanket right has been abolished and replaced with a private opt out clause. One of the things I have learned is that few of my students even though they are computer literate have any concept of how their data can be used against them. Considering that observation and the mass of e-mails we are bombarded with, I find it unlikely an informed decision is going to be made in many cases.

A company has been profited at a cost to the public interest. It is a government subsidy with all that implies. The company could have done better.

James Pilant

From around the Web -

From the web site, 33 Bits of Entropy: (This article highlights another important issue in online privacy. jp)

New lines will need to be drawn defining what is acceptable data-release policy, and in a way that takes into account the actual re-identification risk instead of relying on syntactic crutches such as removing ?personally identifiable? information. Perhaps there will need to be a constant process of evaluating and responding to continuing improvements in re-identification algorithms.

Perhaps the ability of third parties to discover information about an individual?s movie rankings is not too disturbing, as movie rankings are not generally considered to be sensitive information. But because these same techniques can lead to the re-identification of data, far greater privacy concerns are implicated.

From the web site, Tech of the Hub:

Today, Netflix presented at the F8 conference to talk about their planned integration with Facebook. You can see what you friends are watching and they can see what you are watching on Facebook. Not only on a granular level, but Facebook will present what it finds to be interesting trends among your friends? viewing habits. Mark Zukerberg?s example showed that four of his friends just watched movies staring Johnny Depp. Netflix will be integrating with both Facebook?s newly announced Timeline as well as their OpenGraph platform. Facebook will have similar integration with Hulu.

And, finally, from the web site, Addicting Info:

An archaic 1988 law, the Video Privacy Protection Act, currently prevents the sharing of your video watch lists, such as with services like Netflix or Hulu, on social media outlets such as Facebook or Google+. Earlier this month, the US Senate put through an upgrade to the bill to address this issue, to little notice. It was a minor correction to an old set of laws. But when the US House got ahold of it, they put forth some edits, which is where the problem begins.

These changes, as reported by the ACLU, divorces the bill from a larger set of laws, called the Electronic Communications Privacy Act. In so doing they eliminated protections which were in place to require a warrant for accessing of cloud-based private electronic communications and other content, such as email, private social network posts, any information stored on cloud based servers. Instead, a subpoena is all that is required, a legal process but one which does not require the due diligence of a warrant, not even requiring an active investigation to acquire.


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Atlanta New Year's Eve restaurant events 2012 | Atlanta Food ...

The Optimist Mon., Dec. 31, 5 p.m. New Year's Eve at The Optimist A four-course prix fixe menu with items such as shrimp pop tarts, baked Virginia oysters, and grouper with white wine steamed clams. 914 Howell Mill Road. 404-477-6260. Details

JCT Kitchen Mon., Dec. 31, 5 p.m. New Year's Eve at JCT. Kitchen & Bar JCT. Kitchen & Bar is serving a Southern dinner this New Year's Eve. For $65 per person, the restaurant is offering a taste plus a three-course meal. 1198 Howell Mill Road. 404-355-2252. Details

The Pinewood Tippling Room Mon., Dec. 31, 7 p.m. New Year's Eve Celebration A five-course prix fixe dinner and a New Year's Eve bash. Entrance includes access to the open bar, passed hors d'oeuvres, and a champagne toast at midnight. A live DJ will play music. Limited availability. 254 W. Ponce de Leon Ave. 404-373-5507. Details

Watershed on Peachtree Mon., Dec. 31, 5 p.m. New Year's Eve at Watershed A special four-course menu and a champagne toast for $75. 1820 Peachtree Road. 404-809-3561. Details

Valenza Mon., Dec. 31. La Festa Di San Silvestro: Italian New Year's Special menu items created by chef Matt Swickerath along with the regular dinner menu. Guests will enjoy New Year's Eve party favors and a complimentary glass of prosecco to toast the coming year. 1441 Dresden Drive. 404-969-3233. Details

No. 246 Mon., Dec. 31, 5 p.m. New Year's Eve at No. 246 Four-course menu for $55 per person. 129 East Ponce De Leon Ave. 678-399-8246. Details

Serpas Mon., Dec. 31, 7 p.m. Serpas New Year's Eve Four-course, prix fixe menu for $70 per person, not including tax, beverages or gratuity. 659 Auburn Ave. 404-688-0040. Details

Haven Mon., Dec. 31. New Year's Eve Chef Stephen Herman's regular dinner menu and specials on New Year's Eve. Guests will receive festive party favors and a complimentary glass of champagne. 1441 Dresden Drive. 404-969-0700. Details

Park Tavern Mon., Dec. 31, 8 p.m. NYE 2013 with Yacht Rock Revue An all-inclusive event with drinks and food featuring live music with Yacht Rock Revue and a DJ spinning music in the Piedmont Room. 500 10th St. 404-249-0001. Details

Marlow's Tavern Midtown Mon., Dec. 31, 5 p.m. New Year's Eve at Marlow's Prix fixe menu for $37 per person. Visit the Marlow's Tavern website for individual location information. 950 W. Peachtree St. 404-815-0323. Details

RA Sushi Mon., Dec. 31, 7 p.m. RAckin' New Year's Eve Party Food and drink specials will be offered all night. Drinks include half-price sake and specialty cocktails. 1080 Peachtree St. 404-267-0114. Details

Whiskey Blue at W Atlanta - Buckhead Mon., Dec. 31. New Year's Eve Featuring DJ Rimby, party favors, and a complimentary champagne toast at midnight. 3377 Peachtree Road. Details

Tongue & Groove Mon., Dec. 31. Toast the New Year Featuring DJ Rory Breaker and guests, a midnight champagne toast and confetti burst, late-night burgers to-go. 21+ only. 565 Main St. Details

BLT Steak Mon., Dec. 31, 5 p.m. New Year's Eve Blackboard Menu at BLT Steak Atlanta! Chef Cyrille Holota will offer three courses for $90 with wine pairings for an additional $30. 45 Ivan Allen Jr. Blvd. 404-577-7601. Details

Kaleidoscope Bistro & Pub Mon., Dec. 31, 5 p.m. Second Annual New Year's Eve Party Dinner service starts at 5 p.m. with an optional three-course meal for $20.12. Food and drink specials will be available all evening and DJ B-Dub starts spinning at 10 p.m. 1410 Dresden Dr. 404-474-9600. Details

Steel Restaurant & Lounge Mon., Dec. 31, 5:30 p.m. New Year's Eve at Steel Restaurant & Lounge A four-course meal, complimentary champagne toast, and party favors. Call for reservations. 950 W. Peachtree St. 404-477-6111. Details

Cucina Asellina Mon., Dec. 31, 6 p.m. New Year's Eve at Cucina Asellina . The first two seatings, at 6 p.m. and 8 p.m., feature the regular dinner menu. Late-night, 10 p.m. seating includes a $60 three-course prix fixe dinner menu, complimentary Champagne toast, and balloon drop at midnight. 1075 Peachtree St. 404-793-0144. Details

Sweet Georgia's Juke Joint Mon., Dec. 31, 6 p.m. New Year's Eve at Sweet Georgia's Juke Joint he party features two seating times with prix fix menus and live music. 200 Peachtree St. 404-230-5853. Details

Tavern 99 Mon., Dec. 31, 9 p.m. ATL's Rockin' NYE 2013 An all-inclusive New Year's event featuring two rooms with live entertainment, five hours of open bar with cocktails, beer, and wine, a mini buffet from Tavern 99's kitchen, party favors, a large dance floor, and a confetti drop and champagne toast at midnight. 128 East Andrews Dr. 404-835-8311. Details

Whiskey Park Mon., Dec. 31, 9 p.m. WISH Masquerade Ball Whiskey Park's fifth-annual NYE event, the WISH Masquerade Ball, features free-flowing cocktails until 1 a.m. and beats from Jay Envy 188 14th St. 404-724-2559. Details

Ray's on the River Mon., Dec. 31, 9 p.m. Riverside New Year's Eve Party Featuring a premium open bar, heavy hors d'oeuvres, oyster shucking station, live band with dancing, balloon drop, and champagne toast at midnight. Reservations are $125 per person plus tax and gratuity. 6700 Powers Ferry Road., Marietta. 770-955-1187. Details

Front Page News Mon., Dec. 31, 9 p.m. New Beers Eve A $50 ticket includes food and drinks, well liquor, house wine, and more than 20 beer choices. 351 Moreland Ave. 404-475-7777. Details

The Highlander Mon., Dec. 31, 10 p.m. New Year's Eve Blowout Rock 'n' roll show with champagne toast. Featuring MuckRackers, Red Rocket Deluxe, and Blasted. 931 Monroe Dr. 404-877-0060. Details


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Ex-U.S. President George H.W. Bush in intensive care (reuters)

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Thursday, December 27, 2012

Breast Cancer Research Pioneer Dies : Personal Liberty Digest?

CHICAGO, (UPI) ?? Biologist Elwood Jensen, whose work on techniques for detecting breast cancer still provides guidance for treatment of the disease, has died, officials said.

He was 92.

Officials at the University of Chicago said Jensen died of complications of pneumonia Dec. 16 in a nursing facility in Cincinnati, the Chicago Tribune reported.

In the 1980s Jensen, a molecular biologist, developed techniques for detecting and measuring estrogen receptor proteins in breast cancer, a procedure now used by pathology labs all over the world.

The presence of the protein indicates a tumor will respond to tamoxifen, a drug that blocks estrogen from binding with receptors in the tumor.

That treatment is much less toxic than the chemotherapy otherwise required to treat breast cancer.

?His work changed the way all breast cancers are analyzed,? said Geoffrey Greene, who worked with Jensen in what is now the Ben May Department for Cancer Research at the University of Chicago.

Jensen retired from the University of Chicago at the then-mandatory retirement age of 70, but continued to do research with several other organizations before joining the University of Cincinnati College of Medicine in 2000.

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Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Asia stocks rise as Japan gets new government

BANGKOK (AP) ? Asian stock markets rose Wednesday as traders snapped up stocks before the end of the year, while the Tokyo benchmark neared a high for the year after a new, pro-business government prepared to assume leadership in a country plagued for years by economic lethargy.

Japan's Nikkei 225 index gained 0.4 percent to 10,122.82 as a further weakening yen gave momentum to the country's major exporters. The benchmark's highest intraday level of the year, 10,255.15, was reached on March 27.

Incoming Prime Minister Shinzo Abe has put pressure on the Bank of Japan to raise its inflation target from 1 to 2 percent to extricate the country from two decades of deflation ? continually dropping prices ? which has deadened economic activity.

Abe was to name a new Cabinet on Wednesday, following the resignation of Prime Minister Yoshihiko Noda's government. Abe has also urged the central bank to take steps to dampen the strength of the country's currency. A strong yen has hobbled big exporters like Toyota by eroding the value of repatriated earnings and making Japanese products more expensive overseas.

Abe has also called for aggressive public works spending to invigorate a languid economy.

South Korea's Kospi added 0.8 percent to 1,996.49. Stocks in mainland China, Singapore, Taiwan, Indonesia and the Philippines also rose. The gains were reflective of investors with extra cash wanting to avoid missing out on an end-of-the-year rally.

"People want to get invested. In previous years, we've seen good rallies around the end of the year," Hong Kong-based analyst Andrew Sullivan said in a recent interview.

Markets in Hong Kong, Australia and New Zealand were closed for holidays. Most markets in Europe reopen Thursday.

Among individual stocks, Japan's Fujitsu Ltd. rose 3.5 percent and Panasonic Corp. added 3 percent. Sharp Corp. jumped 4.8 percent.

Yonhap News Agency said South Korean mobile carriers fell after being fined for discriminative subsidies. SK Telecom Co., South Korea's top mobile carrier, fell 0.6 percent.

On Wall Street on Monday, the last day of trading before Christmas, stocks fell on concern that time is running out for lawmakers to reach a budget deal to avoid the U.S. going over the "fiscal cliff." U.S. stock markets reopen Wednesday.

For weeks, discussions between the White House and Congress over a budget deal have been the main driver in markets. If a deal isn't reached by the start of 2013, automatic spending cuts and tax increases worth hundreds of billions of dollars will be imposed ? which many economists think could push the U.S. economy back into recession.

Benchmark oil for February delivery rose 46 cents to $89.07 per barrel in electronic trading on the New York Mercantile Exchange. The contract closed down 5 cents to $88.61 a barrel on the Nymex on Monday.

In currencies, the euro fell to $1.3183 from $1.3192 late Monday in New York. The dollar rose to 85.15 yen from 84.23 yen.


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Iraq Sunnis block trade routes in protest against PM Maliki

ANBAR, Iraq (Reuters) - Tens of thousands of Sunni Muslims blocked Iraq's main trade route to neighboring Syria and Jordan in a fourth day of demonstrations on Wednesday against Shi'ite Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki.

The massive show of force marks an escalation in protests that erupted last week after troops detained the bodyguards of Sunni Finance Minister Rafaie Esawi, threatening to plunge Iraq deeper into political turmoil.

"The people want to bring down the regime," chanted thousands of protesters in the Sunni stronghold of Anbar, echoing the slogan used in popular revolts that ended in the toppling of the leaders of Tunisia, Egypt, Libya and Yemen.

Waving the old flag of Iraq that was changed after Sunni dictator Saddam Hussein was overthrown by the U.S.-led invasion of 2003, protesters sat in the road, choking off the main trade route between Iraq, Jordan and Syria.

Another smaller protest was held in the city of Samarra in the predominantly Sunni province of Salahuddin, next to Anbar.

The move against Esawi's guards came hours after President Jalal Talabani, a Kurd who has mediated among Sunni, Shi'ite and Kurdish factions, left for Germany for treatment for a stroke that could end his steadying influence over Iraqi politics.

The arrest was reminiscent of Maliki's move to arrest Sunni Vice President Tareq al-Hashemi, who he accused of running death squads, just as U.S. troops withdrew in December 2011.

Iraq's fragile power-sharing government has since lurched from crisis to crisis and the conflict in Syria risks reigniting sectarian tensions that brought the country to the brink of all-out civil war in 2005-2007.

Addressing the protesters, Esawi said the detention of his guards was politically motivated and that Maliki was deliberately provoking strife.

"It is enough! The country should not be run by such a mentality," he said, to cries of "God is greatest".

Maliki has sought to play his rivals off against one another to strengthen his alliances in Iraq's complex political landscape before provincial elections next year and a parliamentary vote in 2014.

Shi'ite cleric Moqtada al-Sadr, another rival of Maliki, offered his support to the protests in a statement, rejecting what he described as Maliki's sectarian policies.

(Additional reporting by Ahmed Rasheed in Baghdad; Writing by Isabel Coles; Editing by Jon Hemming)


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Vegetarian Recipe: Robert's Favorite Fudgy Brownies | Good Food

Every week on the Good Food Blog we celebrate Meatless Monday by sharing a vegetarian recipe from our archives.

John Scharffenberger steps into studio to discuss a new book from the Scharffenberger team, The Essence of Chocolate.? He first shared this recipe for Robert?s Favorite Fudgy Brownies on December 9, 2006.

Robert?s Favorite Fudgy Brownies
Makes sixteen 2-inch brownies

Our chocolatier, Robert Steinberg, enjoys making these dense brownies. (Adapted from ?Barron?s brownies?: Maida Heatter?s Great American Desserts. Knopf, 1985)

8 ounces Scharffen Berger 70% Cacao Bittersweet Chocolate, chopped
6 tablespoons unsalted butter
1/4 teaspoon salt
1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract
1 scant cup granulated sugar
2 large eggs
1/4 cup all-purpose flour, sifted
1/2 to 1 cup walnut halves or pieces
Adjust a rack 1/3 up from bottom of the oven and preheat to 325 F.

Butter or line with parchment paper an 8-inch square cake pan and set aside.

Heat the chocolate and butter in the top of a 2 1/2 to 3-quart double boiler or water bath. Stir occasionally until melted. If necessary, whisk to smooth. Remove from heat, stir in the salt, vanilla, and sugar. Add the eggs one at a time, stirring after each addition until incorporated.
Add the flour and stir briskly for about a minute until the mixture is smooth and shiny and comes away from the side of the pot. Stir in the nuts. Turn the mixture into the pan and smooth the top.
Bake for 35-40 minutes or until a toothpick inserted gently into the center comes out moist, but free of batter.

Remove from the oven. Cool on a rack. Serve warm or at room temperature.


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Obama cuts vacation short as 'fiscal cliff' looms

HONOLULU (AP) ? With a yearend deadline looming before the economy goes over the so-called fiscal cliff, President Barack Obama is cutting short his traditional Christmas holiday in Hawaii, planning to leave for Washington on Wednesday evening.

Obama was expected to arrive in Washington early Thursday, the White House said late Tuesday. First lady Michelle Obama and the couple's two daughters are scheduled to remain in Hawaii until Jan. 6.

In the past, the president's end-of-the-year holiday in his native state had stretched into the new year. The first family left Washington last Friday night.

Congress was expected to return to Washington on Thursday. Before he departed for Hawaii, Obama told reporters he expected to be back in the capital this week.

Without action by Obama and Congress, automatic budget cuts and tax increases are set to begin in January, which many economists say could send the country back into recession. So far, the president and congressional Republicans have been unable to reach agreement on any alternatives.

Lawmakers have expressed little but pessimism for the prospect of an agreement coming before Jan. 1. On Sunday, Sen. Kay Bailey Hutchison, R-Texas, said she expects any action in the waning days of the year to be "a patch because in four days we can't solve everything."

With the collapse last week of House Speaker John Boehner's plan to allow tax rates to rise on million-dollar-plus incomes, lawmakers were increasingly worried that no deal can be reached.

They were already preparing their arguments about who is to blame if the new year comes without an agreement.

Obama already has scaled back his ambitions for a sweeping budget bargain. Before leaving the capital on Friday, he called for a limited measure that extends George W. Bush-era tax cuts for most people and staves off federal spending cuts.

The Obamas were spending the holiday at a rented home near Honolulu. On Christmas Day, the president and first lady visited with members of the military to express thanks for their service.

"One of my favorite things is always coming to base on Christmas Day just to meet you and say 'thank you,'" the president said at Marine Corps Base Hawaii's Anderson Hall. He said that being commander in chief was his greatest honor as president.

Obama took photos with individual service members and their families.

On Christmas Eve, Obama called members of the military to thank them for serving the nation, then joined his family for dinner, the White House said. The Obamas opened gifts Christmas morning, ate breakfast and sang carols.

Friends were joining the Obamas for Christmas dinner Tuesday night, the White House said.


Reach Matthew Daly on Twitter:


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Monday, December 24, 2012

How Your Small Business Can Compete With Big Retailers in 2013 ...

By Rieva Lesonsky

This holiday shopping season, big retailers did a lot of things differently?and the changes they made will continue into 2013 and beyond, posing new challenges for small retailers and ecommerce companies seeking to compete. The BDO Retail Compass Survey of CMOs polled 100 chief marketing officers at the nation?s leading retailers and found:

Big retailers rely on social media. Social media has become an essential marketing tool, used by 86 percent of big retailers, up from 4 percent in 2007. Overall, social media made up 10 percent of holiday marketing and advertising budgets this year.

Big retailers are playing catch-up when it comes to mobile. Half of the retailers surveyed are including mobile in their marketing strategy, up 39 percent from 2011, but still short of 100 percent participation.

Big retailers are going digital. Although two-thirds of big retailers report their holiday marketing and advertising budgets were flat this year, they are shifting where they spend those dollars. While print is still the top advertising expenditure for 42 percent of companies, 31 percent spent most of their marketing dollars online. That?s a 35 percent increase from last year.

Big retailers are struggling with big data. With tons of customer data available through in-store purchases, email, social media and ecommerce and mobile sales, a whopping 93 percent of retailers admit it?s a challenge to integrate and manage the data, and 40 percent say it?s ?very challenging.? But two-thirds plan to increase their use of customer data for targeted marketing efforts in the next year.

Big retailers are moving beyond Facebook. While Facebook is still the top social media marketing channel for 99 percent of retailers surveyed, one in five is marketing on Pinterest, and 51 percent are using Twitter.

Big retailers are trying a variety of mobile tactics. Many different mobile marketing tactics are being used, with flash sales and daily deals the primary mobile marketing tool for 30 percent of retailers, text messages the main focus for 23 percent, and mobile coupons for 20 percent. Less popular are mobile apps and QR codes, each cited as the main tactic by 14 percent. Big retailers are also rolling out new tools for mobile engagement, such as in-store GPS and product review apps.

Will your small retail or ecommerce business be able to keep up with the big guys? It?s not going to be easy ? but it can be done. All of the tactics they are using can be used by a small business, too. Whether it?s advertising online or developing an app, look into how you can engage your customers in the ways they want to be reached.

Image by Flickr user coolinsights (Creative Commons)



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Firefighters ambushed by gunman while responding to house fire

A man with a criminal history shot and killed two West Webster, N.Y. firefighters and seriously injured two others as they responded to a fire at his home, police say.

William H. Spengler, Jr., 62, apparently started a 5:35 a.m. fire at his home on Lake Road? and then waited with an armament of weapons for first responders to arrive, Webster N.Y. Police Chief Gerald Pickering said at an afternoon news conference.

?He was shooting from high ground or a berm," Pickering said. "He was barricaded with weapons to shoot first responders."

After a brief exchange of gunfire with police, Spengler then shot and killed himself at the scene, Pickering said.

Spengler was convicted in 1981 in the death of his 92-year-old grandmother a year earlier. He served time in prison and was released in 1998, Pickering said.

Spengler beat Rose Spengler to death with a hammer 1980, the Rochester Democrat and Chronicle reported. Rose Spengler had lived in the home next to William Spengler on Lake Road at the time of her death.

Local police had not noted any criminal activity in his recent past, Pickering said.

Pickering said they are looking into the apparent disappearance of Spengler's sister who is unaccounted for at this time.

Police and fire officials are continuing to gather evidence and will inspect the seven homes that were destroyed in the fire that spread to nearby houses in the small lakeside town located 10 miles east of Rochester.

The victims in the shooting are Mike Chiapperini, also a lieutenant and public information officer with the local police department, and Tomasz Kaczowka, Pickering said.

"These people get up in the middle of the night to fight fires. They don't expect to be shot and killed," a tearful Pickering said at the press conference.

Chiapperini was described by Pickering as a lifelong firefighter who started with the department's explorer program and had about 20 years of experience. Kaczowka was a younger firefighter who was on the force for about two years and was also a 911 dispatcher, he said.

West Webster firefighters Joseph Hofsetter and Theodore Scardino were seriously injured and are at Strong Memorial Hospital with gunshot wounds, a hospital spokeswoman said.? Scardino? has? injuries to his chest and lungs. Hofsetter was injured in the pelvis, the spokeswoman said at a media briefing. Both are in guarded condition, she said.

An off-duty police officer from nearby Greece, N.Y., John Ritter was also injured by shrapnel during the shooting, Pickering said.

Pickering said that one of the firefighters who survived made his way across a bridge to safety. The other three did not make it across, Pickering said. Police arrived and rescued the other three firefighters, but two were fatally shot, Pickering said.

The morning scene was described as chaotic as police and firefighters dealt with an immense blaze as well as gunshots,? local news station WHAM-TV? reports.

?I?m not aware of anything like this happening in Webster, obviously not a firefighter being fired upon,? Webster Fire Marshal Rob Boutillier told the Democrat and Chronicle.? Pickering described Webster as resort lakeside community that is quiet and usually peaceful.

WHAM reported that an outpouring of support has come through the Webster community. Black flags reportedly have been draped at some homes and offices to honor those killed and injured.

N.Y. Gov. Andrew Cuomo tweeted of the incident: We as the community of #NY mourn their loss as now 2 more families must spend the holidays without their loved ones #Webster


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Who's In Charge of Social Media Privacy in a Data-Driven Age ...

The growing consumer use of social media is changing the way companies conduct their own marketing, customer service and innovation. Social media is changing our understanding of the current value for business customers in particular, and very few have gone so far as creating a new definition of customer value.

Questions concerning the respect of privacy on the Internet regularly produce headlines in the news. The modern social network online has been widely criticized for making the personal information of its members? public by default. ?Many users were surprised by noting that their photos and other personal information are now accessible through the network. Users who do not want their profile viewable by everyone were forced to change their own settings to make it private again. Facebook is often central to this debate: the most recent example comes from its new subsidiary,?Instagram.

With the spread of Facebook, Twitter, mobile, and other technology-based modes of communication, experts are questioning the concept of privacy and the very definition of a ?friend.?v The uproar generated by the public disclosure of private messages on Facebook, or the recent theft of LinkedIn passwords triggered an alarm regarding the safety and privacy of these social networks.

The web is not a private space

The web is not a private space ? and even if it had been in the past, it no longer is the case. This is a public space. Web 2.0 has changed the perception of private space, now operating on open and democratic platforms where all users can access and contribute.

Facebook was designed primarily as a private network with the aim to enable communities to communicate with each other. But the fact is that the rise of social networks has become central for the commercial sector as their new communication medium. ?Do not forget: the business model of social networks is, above all, based on advertising. ?And for that, they need to identify fairly accurately each of their millions of users. This is done by collecting as much information on the profiles of the latter, while regularly updating their privacy policies, of course, to reflect a strange and terrifying balance with their business model.

Companies are mining the social web to build a commercial platform, based largely on the collective information you and millions of others provide.? Information posted publicly on blogs, Facebook, Twitter, forums and other sites, whether it?s your profile, photos, interests, hobbies, etc., is a reminder that we need to be aware of what we are posting on social networking sites and to whom we are connected.

More recently, Facebook announced new changes in the parameters of privacy. For the future implementation of additional services, the social network wants to share the personal data of its members with other partner sites. Facebook has not disclosed the list of sites in question, but indicates that this functionality can be blocked by users.

Facebook?s new entity, Instagram, recently?updated its privacy policy?as well, giving itself the right to use your photos in its ads. Not surprisingly, Instagram received huge backlash from users and they were forced to amend the policy.

?The Instagram issue is just the tip of the iceberg.? There is a rapidly growing industry of collecting and selling information on you.? The Internet is forever.? Consumers should be careful who they trust with their private information and the private information of their kids, friends, and friends kids,? says a member of the executive team at Wickr, the secure communication provider company.

?Do you trust the company to use your information in your best interested?? Do you trust the company to keep your information safe from all that want access to the goldmine?? How does the company make money? These are all important questions for intelligent consumers to ask.?Photos of family members, personal experiences, even health histories are not off limits once shared on these platforms,? the Wickr representative added.

It?s all about commercialization

Here is a classic example as how a company takes full advantage of your Facebook personal information for business use. At a conference organized by data warehouse company Teradata?earlier?this month, Nissen Co., LTD, a catalog company used to send 200 million food, clothing, and consumer good catalogs across Japan each year, said it is using Facebook?s user information to better market to its customers and increase sales.

The company analyzes its customers Facebook data based on their life stage and events (single, married, aging parent, birthdays) and then incorporate psychographics into its marketing.

?Consumers now post a huge amount of data about themselves, their activities, and their feelings,? said Shigeru Kakimaru of Nissen?s marketing team. ?We can learn the life background of our customers ? their lifestyle and psychology. We can then target our catalogs accordingly. And we can predict when someone needs a product based on what they say on social media.?

And the importance of social data is applicable to a number of industries, with its ability to provide information so much larger than any sample size we?ve ever been able to compile before Web 2.0. ?Financial services companies such as banks and lenders, also use data mining services from social sites for marketing; hotels, airlines use this service to build specific discount plans; politician use this to engage and influence people and the list will go on and on.

Who?s in Charge of Social Media Privacy?

The answer is people like you and me, who uses social media and often take these services for granted. If a user makes publically accessible their geotagged posts, it is relatively easy to identify their home address, workplace, local shopping center, hobbies and interests, along with places they frequent such as their favorite bars and restaurants.

In many social networks, the default option for posting content is to include location information. ?Hopefully by making users aware of the fact they can be tracked, it will encourage them to take another look at what they share, and with whom.

Our Wickr representative stresses the importance of reading privacy policies very closely, looking for statements of data collection, information sharing and any mention of the ?Under 13 boilerplate.? These terms legally allow the company to share and even sell your personal data.

In addition, you can determine whether you want to go public or private with your social media profiles, eliminate people and sites from your social networks that you don?t need or want to represent your interests; pay attention to your friends, invites, and connection requests; limit the sharing of personal and location information via social networks to people you consider your friends; and disable the geotagging of photos in applications like Facebook and Twitter.

We?re going to begin to see people ask themselves questions like, ?How much information do I want to share about myself? How much do I want to be connected to others?? and start to manage these outlets more effectively.

?There are solutions to these deep personal data grabs, and we recommend consumers don?t continue using apps and programs that are turning personal identities and data into company gains. The increase in consumer backlash and concern is driving the rapid adoption of encrypted messaging platforms, like Wickr, and causing consumers to take a deeper look at private communications, a universal human right very important to free society,? advised Wickr team.

It comes back to whether or not social networks are really changing our personality. The most proactive approach moving forward is to encourage a culture of self-responsibility and education, where they are aware that the more information they give up the less privacy they have.


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Ryan Deiss ? Ultimate List Building System | MagicUpload - Crack ...

Ryan Deiss ? Ultimate List Building System

How To Experience the Sheer Unbridled Joy of Sending ONE EMAIL
and Watching Cash Pour Into Your Bank Account?Almost Like Magic


Building the Foundation: Breakthrough List-Building Principles Most Marketers Do Not Understand and Routinely Violate

Trust me. If it were easy to make 100,000?250,000?even 1,000,000 online, I PROMISE you that more people would be doing it. The fact is, this business is NOT easy?especially with all the garbage that?s out there disguised as quality content.

That?s why in Module 1, I give you THE BIG PICTURE of what it takes to succeed online by building MASSIVE, high-quality lists. If you?re brand-new to Internet marketing, this session will bring you up to speed quickly so you?re sure to get maximum value out of the rest of the training.

If you?re already an expert or you have a pre-existing online business, you?ll find this session to be a helpful review, and will no doubt point out a lot of things that you SHOULD be doing (but probably aren?t).

Big List ? Big Traffic

I have a confession to make?

I?ve been making a killing with banner ads and other online media for years now, even when most of the "gurus" are still proclaiming that the banner ad is dead. In fact, it?s one of the best ways to generate traffic and build MASSIVE lists in a very short period of time.

In this module, I lay out some ad-buying strategies and the specifics of creating a banner ad campaign to build a list. (Trust me, it?s nothing like PPC.) If you want BIG TRAFFIC and you want it fast, you need to check out this session.

Free List-Building Tactics and Techniques: How Anyone Can Build a List on a Shoestring Budget

Given a large enough advertising budget, my 11 month-old son could literally build a massive opt-in list if he really put his mind to it. But what about the newbie who?s just getting started and doesn?t have a lot of money to spend? What are they supposed to do?

Well that?s what this session is all about?building a list on a shoestring budget. Not only are these techniques useful if you don?t have a lot of cash to spend, they?re also good strategies to employ if you?re testing in a new market and you don?t want to risk and "arm and a leg".

Offline List-Building Strategies: The Real Secrets To Building MASSIVE Lists In MINIMUM Time

When it comes to list-building, most people teach basic strategies such as PPC, article-writing, etc. And while these are all great strategies (especially when you?re just getting started), none of them provide the shear volume (and quality) of leads that some of the methods our guest expert, John Alanis, will be covering.

I like to describe John as an old school direct marketer trapped in an Internet marketer?s body.

You see, while John owns a highly successful online business in the ultra-competitive "dating" niche, his real passion is for generating leads through more "traditional" online and OFFLINE means.

John is a real pro at media-buying and list rental, which is a skill that few marketers (even the ones who are considered experts) possess. I promise you won?t hear this sort of thing taught anywhere else, so you?ll definitely want to be ready to take lots of notes during this part of the training.

Instant List-Building Secrets: How To Use the Power of CPA Networks To Double?Triple?Even QUADRUPLE Your List Overnight

Most people can?t imagine having tens of thousands of fresh leads pouring in each and every day, but that scenario is very possible when the right offer meets the right CPA Network (also called Affiliate Networks).

CPA networks, in case you don?t already know, are a conglomeration of website owners who are looking for offers to promote. These guys are the true SUPER AFFILIATES?capable of selling an insane amount of products in a very short period of time.

The best way to describe it is affiliate marketing on STEROIDS

Obviously if you can tap into these networks of affiliates your sales and lead flow could easily multiply 10 times overnight.

The problem, however, is that most of these CPA networks are geared for the big businesses with the big advertising budgets, so smaller marketers like us rarely have the opportunity to compete in this media.

Fortunately I have a contact in this industry who is willing to cover EXACTLY what it takes to get into the big affiliate networks. Everything from constructing your offer to approaching the networks themselves for approval.

Now I?ll warn you right now. This is a highly advanced strategy that won?t be appropriate for many business owners. For some, however, this will be the major breakthrough that will take their business to the next level. Either way, you?ll definitely want to hear what this guest expert has to say?

Affiliate Inferno: How To Train OTHER PEOPLE To Build Your Lists For You

The only thing better than building a massive opt-in list is having other people build your list for you. And that?s exactly what guest expert, Stu McLaren, is a pro at.

Stu manages the affiliate programs of some of the most successful Internet marketers, which means he gets a front-row seat for some of the most profitable (and unprofitable) marketing campaigns.

To put it another way, Stu knows what works and what doesn?t work with affiliate marketing, and he knows how to leverage affiliates to build massive lead and customer lists with as little cost as possible. Even if you think you know a lot about managing an affiliate program, I can assure you that you won?t want to miss this module. I absolutely GUARANTEE that you?ll learn something new.

The Lead Explosion System: How To Build an Automated System That Generates Thousands of Leads Per Day

In this module guest expert, Matt Bacak, will reveal his ridiculously simple (yet insanely effective) system for generating leads in any market. Most folks who are "in the know" consider Matt to be one of THE authorities on list-building, which I why I felt it was crucial to have him participate in the "Ultimate List-Building System".

I promise that even if you have never built a webpage or written a single autoresponder message that Matt?s methods WILL work for you. That said, I don?t want you to think that this session is all basics, because that?s definitely not the case. Matt has innovated some of the most creative list-building and list monetization strategies I?ve ever personally witnessed.

Top marketers have literally paid 12,000 to visit his office and see his operation first-hand, but he reveals all the little details in this system.

The Business of Lead Generation: How To Make Big Money Brokering Leads To Big Businesses

When most people hear "list-building" or "lead generation" they think it only applies to building an opt-in list for your own business. But trust me?that?s only half of the story. There?s also a small "fraternity" of marketers who are making an absolute killing selling leads directly to businesses.

That?s right They don?t try to sell to the leads directly?they just sell those leads to other businesses for big money. Imagine getting paid 5, 10?or EVEN MORE for every opt-in that you generate on your site? (Trust me, these numbers are conservative compared to what businesses will pay in some markets.)

In this example, if you collected just 100 fresh leads each and every day, you?d earn between 500 and 1000 A DAY and you?d never have to send an email or try to sell a thing.

Now imagine if you could sell that same lead to 3 or 5 different business That?s when things get really exciting.

If you?re thinking this business puts you in the same class as the spammers think again. This is a totally legitimate form of marketing that was around long before the Internet and will continue to be around for decades to come. That said, it is a tricky business to navigate, which is why I had lead generation expert, Bob Regenerous, speak on this topic.

Bob is one of those underground guys who rarely speaks on this topic, so you?ll definitely want to pay attention to what he has to say.

Advanced Email Marketing Secrets: Proven Techniques for Maximizing the Value of Every Subscriber To Your List

Marketing expert, John Alanis, is back for a second time, only in this session he will be covering advanced email marketing tips that you can implement once you?ve started building your list.

John is probably better than anyone else I know at squeezing as much money as possible out of his lists. But don?t get me wrong?his subscribers absolutely love him because he?s learned to strike a perfect balance between building a relationship with his list and selling them products.

Trust me, knowledge like this only comes from years of trial and error down in the "trenches". To hear insider information like this is truly an opportunity that shouldn?t be missed.

Advanced Email Marketing Secrets (Part 2): Proven Conversion Strategies That Virtually Force Your Subscribers To Buy

The topic of email marketing is far too broad to cover in just one session, which is why I brought in email marketing expert, Craig Perrine, to cover his methods for constructing email offers and campaigns that convert like crazy.

Craig?s methods differ slightly from the ones that John Alanis uses in his business. Neither is right or wrong, but you?ll want to consume both modules so you can decide which strategies most closely fit with your market.

Building a list without a product ? Speaker Panel

The hot seat ? Speaker Panel

Anatomy of a Lead Generation Campaign


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