Thursday, February 28, 2013

WWE Main Event results: A mustachioed main event!

Sheamus vs. Cody Rhodes: WWE Main Event, Feb. 27, 2013Cody Rhodes challenges Sheamus: WWE Main Event, Feb. 27, 2013Sheamus and Randy Orton tangle with The Shield: Raw, Feb. 25, 2013The Shield impress on Raw: WWE App ExclusiveSheamus' Oscars Snubs: Raw, Feb. 25, 2013Sheamus vs. Damien Sandow: SmackDown, Feb. 22, 2013

OKLAHOMA CITY ? WWE Main Event was chock full of intense action as Sheamus and Cody Rhodes battled in a rematch from three weeks ago and Justin Gabriel tried to match his agility and speed to Mark Henry?s raw strength.

Sheamus def. Cody Rhodes (PHOTOS | WATCH)

Three weeks ago on WWE Main Event, Cody Rhodes held the show hostage as he demanded placement in the Elimination Chamber Match before his battle with The Celtic Warrior. Sheamus narrowly defeated Rhodes, but their paths crossed on ION Television once again as Rhodes and ?The Lovestache? tried to woo Divas Champion Kaitlyn earlier in the day. The second generation Superstar?s advances were quickly interrupted by Sheamus and the two Superstars traded insults about their respective facial hair. As a result, Rhodes challenged The Celtic Warrior to a match, both seeking vengeance for their last contest and also trying to impress the Divas Champion.

As the battle got underway, Rhodes attempted a more conservative approach to his powerful opponent, trying to use his technical abilities to keep Sheamus on the defensive. Alas, the raw power of the Irish-born Superstar undoubtedly played to his advantage as he tossed Rhodes around ? seemingly with ease ? only enraging the mustachioed Superstar and forcing him to recalibrate outside the ring.

Back inside the squared circle, Rhodes once again was unable to gain any momentum as every attempt at an offensive strike was met by a counter from his opponent. Spilling to the outside, both Superstars countered effectively until a disaster kick knocking Sheamus off the ring apron finally gave the son of WWE Hall of Famer Dusty Rhodes an opening to work with.

Finally enjoying an advantage in the match, Rhodes attacked aggressively, keeping the three-time World Champion?s powerful arsenal in check. Displaying his impressive in-ring abilities, the former Intercontinental Champion balanced a technical approach to keep Sheamus grounded with impactful strikes and his natural agility. Although he had control of the match, Rhodes could not resist taunting his opponent and Sheamus found an opening to fight his way back into the match.

With the WWE Universe rising to their feet in support of the Irish-born Superstar, Sheamus siphoned that energy into a second wind and leveled the playing field. Proving his own resilience, Rhodes fought back and the intensity of both competitors led to a back and forth exchange. Finally, after a wild succession of countering signature maneuvers from both ring warriors, The Celtic Warrior found the perfect opportunity to execute the Brogue Kick to secure the victory.

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Leon Lai happy as ambassador for HK entertainment

HONG KONG (AP) ? Leon Lai says he's delighted to be the ambassador for Entertainment Expo Hong Kong.

The veteran entertainer says he wanted to do something and Hong Kong has a lot of singers and actors, "who are making albums and shooting films here, they're supporting this industry as well."

He spoke Tuesday before the expo starting March 18 that covers film, television, digital entertainment and music.

Lai also says he enjoyed Taiwanese director Ang Lee's "Life of Pi." The special effects-heavy film was made mostly in Taiwan and won four Academy Awards.

But Lai says comparisons to the government support offered in Taiwan are not useful for Hong Kong's film industry.

It depends on what filmmakers ask. He says, "If we have a reasonable request, I think the government will support us."


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Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Pistorius plans his own service for Steenkamp

JOHANNESBURG (AP) ? Oscar Pistorius planned a personal memorial service on Tuesday for Reeva Steenkamp, the 29-year-old model he shot at his home on Valentine's Day.

The evening service would be at the Pretoria home of his uncle Arnold, where the Olympic athlete has been staying since he was released on bail awaiting trial on a premeditated murder charge.

Pistorius' reputation management firm said Pistorius had specifically requested the service "as he remains in deep mourning for the loss of his partner Reeva," whom he says he shot by accident assuming an intruder had entered his home on Feb. 14.

"Oscar has asked for a private service with people who share his loss, including his family members who knew and loved Reeva as one of their own," Vuma Reputation Management said in a statement.

Exactly a week ago, a memorial service was held for Steenkamp in the southern coast city of Port Elizabeth, where her body was cremated following a private service.

That same day, the bail hearing for Pistorius started in the nation's capital Pretoria.

It was unclear exactly what Pistorius' service would consist of or how many people would attend.

Prosecutors say the pair had an argument before Steenkamp was killed. Vuma said that Pistorius "continues to grieve" for her. Vuma spokeswoman Janice Hills would not give any further details about the ceremony, saying it is "a private matter for the family."

Chief Magistrate Desmond Nair set bail for Pistorius at 1 million rand ($113,000). The 26-year-old track star was also ordered to hand over his passports, turn in any guns he owns and keep away from his upscale home in a gated community in Pretoria, the scene of the crime.

He cannot leave the district of Pretoria without his probation officer's permission and is not allowed to consume drugs or alcohol.

Nair himself was in private mourning on Tuesday. He confirmed that he is related to a woman suspected of killing her two children and committing suicide on the weekend.

The revelation was the latest twist in the saga of Pistorius and prominent figures linked to the case against the double-amputee athlete.

The bodies of a woman and her two sons were found Sunday evening at their Johannesburg home by her ex-husband, police Warrant Officer Balan Muthan said. Authorities suspect the woman administered a substance that killed her children, and took her own life by ingesting it as well.

"I can confirm the deceased is my first cousin," Nair told The Associated Press in a telephone interview.

The woman's brother, Vishal Maharaj, identified her as Anusha Maharaj. Police said Maharaj was her family name before she married. South African media identified her as Anusha Mooljee.

Muthan said police suspect "she took her own life by ingesting a substance that killed her," and that she "most probably" gave the same substance to her children. Autopsies were conducted Monday and toxicologists were analyzing the substance believed to have killed the three family members.

Suicide notes were found and a murder investigation was underway, Muthan said. He said copies of the notes were admitted as evidence in the probe and declined to comment on the contents.

Eyewitness News, a South African media outlet, said the boys who died were 12 and 17 years old and cited neighbor Claire Osment as saying she rushed outside after hearing screams coming from the townhouse where they lived.

"We asked what happened. The dad just said, 'She has killed my boys.' He was just crying," Eyewitness News quoted her as saying. "He couldn't believe it, he couldn't believe that his sons are gone."


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Friday, February 22, 2013

Al-Qaida's 22 tips on how to avoid drones

Rukmini Callimachi / AP

In this Wednesday, Feb. 20, 2013 photo, a young vendor waits for clients alongside woven reed mats of the type purchased by fleeing Islamists, apparently to camouflage their vehicles, in Timbuktu, Mali. An instruction on camouflaging cars is one of 22 tips on how to avoid drones, listed on a document left behind by the Islamic extremists as they fled northern Mali from a French military intervention in January.

By Rukmini Callimachi, The Associated Press

One of the last things the bearded fighters did before leaving this city was to drive to the market where traders lay their carpets out in the sand.

The al-Qaida extremists bypassed the brightly colored, high-end synthetic floor coverings and stopped their pickup truck in front of a man selling more modest mats woven from desert grass, priced at $1.40 apiece. There they bought two bales of 25 mats each, and asked him to bundle them on top of the car, along with a stack of sticks.

"It's the first time someone has bought such a large amount," said the mat seller, Leitny Cisse al-Djoumat. "They didn't explain why they wanted so many."

Military officials can tell why: The fighters are stretching the mats across the tops of their cars on poles to form natural carports, so that drones cannot detect them from the air.

The instruction to camouflage cars is one of 22 tips on how to avoid drones, listed on a document left behind by the Islamic extremists as they fled northern Mali from a French military intervention last month. A Xeroxed copy of the document, which was first published on a jihadist forum two years ago, was found by The Associated Press in a manila envelope on the floor of a building here occupied by al-Qaida of the Islamic Maghreb.

The tipsheet reflects how al-Qaida's chapter in North Africa anticipated a military intervention that would make use of drones, as the battleground in the war on terror worldwide is shifting from boots on the ground to unmanned planes in the air. The presence of the document in Mali, first authored by a Yemeni, also shows the coordination between al-Qaida chapters, which security experts have called a source of increasing concern.

"This new document... shows we are no longer dealing with an isolated local problem, but with an enemy which is reaching across continents to share advice," said Bruce Riedel, a 30-year veteran of the CIA, now the director of the Intelligence Project at the Brookings Institution.

Tips and tricks
The tips in the document range from the broad (No. 7, hide from being directly or indirectly spotted, especially at night) to the specific (No 18, formation of fake gatherings, for example by using dolls and statues placed outside false ditches to mislead the enemy.) The use of the mats appears to be a West African twist on No. 3, which advises camouflaging the tops of cars and the roofs of buildings, possibly by spreading reflective glass.

While some of the tips are outdated or far-fetched, taken together, they suggest the Islamists in Mali are responding to the threat of drones with sound, common-sense advice that may help them to melt into the desert in between attacks, leaving barely a trace.

"These are not dumb techniques. It shows that they are acting pretty astutely," said Col. Cedric Leighton, a 26-year-veteran of the United States Air Force, who helped set up the Predator drone program, which later tracked Osama bin Laden in Afghanistan. "What it does is, it buys them a little bit more time ? and in this conflict, time is key. And they will use it to move away from an area, from a bombing raid, and do it very quickly."

The success of some of the tips will depend on the circumstances and the model of drones used, Leighton said. For example, from the air, where perceptions of depth become obfuscated, an imagery sensor would interpret a mat stretched over the top of a car as one lying on the ground, concealing the vehicle.

Str / AP

In this Aug. 31, 2012 file photo, fighters from the al-Qaida-linked Islamist group Ansar Dine stand guard in Timbuktu, Mali, as they prepare to publicly lash a member of the Islamic Police found guilty of adultery.

New models of drones, such as the Harfung used by the French or the MQ-9 "Reaper," sometimes have infrared sensors that can pick up the heat signature of a car whose engine has just been shut off. However, even an infrared sensor would have trouble detecting a car left under a mat tent overnight, so that its temperature is the same as on the surrounding ground, Leighton said.

Unarmed drones are already being used by the French in Mali to collect intelligence on al-Qaida groups, and U.S. officials have said plans are underway to establish a new drone base in northwestern Africa. The U.S. recently signed a "status of forces agreement" with Niger, one of the nations bordering Mali, suggesting the drone base may be situated there and would be primarily used to gather intelligence to help the French.

The author of the tipsheet found in Timbuktu is Abdallah bin Muhammad, the nom de guerre for a senior commander of al-Qaida in the Arabian Peninsula, the Yemen-based branch of the terror network. The document was first published in Arabic on an extremist website on June 2, 2011, a month after bin Laden's death, according to Mathieu Guidere, a professor at the University of Toulouse. Guidere runs a database of statements by extremist groups, including al-Qaida in the Islamic Maghreb, and he reviewed and authenticated the document found by the AP.

The tipsheet is still little known, if at all, in English, though it has been republished at least three times in Arabic on other jihadist forums after drone strikes took out U.S.-born cleric Anwar al-Awlaki in Yemen in September 2011 and al-Qaida second-in-command Abu Yahya al-Libi in Pakistan in June 2012. It was most recently issued two weeks ago on another extremist website after plans for the possible U.S. drone base in Niger began surfacing, Guidere said.

"This document supports the fact that they knew there are secret U.S. bases for drones, and were preparing themselves," he said. "They were thinking about this issue for a long time."

Planting trees 'helps'
The idea of hiding under trees to avoid drones, which is tip No. 10, appears to be coming from the highest levels of the terror network. In a letter written by bin Laden and first published by the U.S. Center for Combating Terrorism, the terror mastermind instructs his followers to deliver a message to Abdelmalek Droukdel, the head of al-Qaida in the Islamic Maghreb, whose fighters have been active in Mali for at least a decade.

"I want the brothers in the Islamic Maghreb to know that planting trees helps the mujahedeen and gives them cover," bin Laden writes in the missive. "Trees will give the mujahedeen the freedom to move around especially if the enemy sends spying aircrafts to the area."

Hiding under trees is exactly what the al-Qaida fighters did in Mali, according to residents in Diabaly, the last town they took before the French stemmed their advance last month. Just after French warplanes incinerated rebel cars that had been left outside, the fighters began to commandeer houses with large mango trees and park their four-by-fours in the shade of their rubbery leaves.

Hamidou Sissouma, a schoolteacher, said the Islamists chose his house because of its generous trees, and rammed their trucks through his earthen wall to drive right into his courtyard. Another resident showed the gash the occupiers had made in his mango tree by parking their pickup too close to the trunk.

In Timbuktu also, fighters hid their cars under trees, and disembarked from them in a hurry when they were being chased, in accordance with tip No. 13.

Moustapha al-Housseini, an appliance repairman, was outside his shop fixing a client's broken radio on the day the aerial bombardments began. He said he heard the sound of the planes and saw the Islamists at almost the same moment. Abou Zeid, the senior al-Qaida emir in the region, rushed to jam his car under a pair of tamarind trees outside the store.

"He and his men got out of the car and dove under the awning," said al-Housseini. "As for what I did? Me and my employees? We also ran. As fast as we could."

Along with the grass mats, the al-Qaida men in Mali made creative use of another natural resource to hide their cars: Mud.

Asse Ag Imahalit, a gardener at a building in Timbuktu, said he was at first puzzled to see that the fighters sleeping inside the compound sent for large bags of sugar every day. Then, he said, he observed them mixing the sugar with dirt, adding water and using the sticky mixture to "paint" their cars. Residents said the cars of the al-Qaida fighters are permanently covered in mud.

The drone tipsheet, discovered in the regional tax department occupied by Abou Zeid, shows how familiar al-Qaida has become with drone attacks, which have allowed the U.S. to take out senior leaders in the terrorist group without a messy ground battle. The preface and epilogue of the tipsheet make it clear that al-Qaida well realizes the advantages of drones: They are relatively cheap in terms of money and lives, alleviating "the pressure of American public opinion."

Ironically, the first drone attack on an al-Qaida figure in 2002 took out the head of the branch in Yemen ? the same branch that authored the document found in Mali, according to Riedel. Drones began to be used in Iraq in 2006 and in Pakistan in 2007, but it wasn't until 2009 that they became a hallmark of the war on terror, he said.

"Since we do not want to put boots on the ground in places like Mali, they are certain to be the way of the future," he said. "They are already the future."

? 2013 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.


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Govs to hear Oregon health care plan

SALEM, Ore. (AP) ? Oregon Gov. John Kitzhaber will brief other state leaders this weekend on his plan to lower Medicaid costs, touting an overhaul that President Barack Obama highlighted in his State of the Union address for its potential to lower the deficit even as health care expenses climb.

The Oregon Democrat leaves for Washington, D.C., on Friday to pitch his plan that changes the way doctors and hospitals are paid and improves health care coordination for low income residents so that treatable medical problems don't grow in severity or expense.

Kitzhaber says his goal is to win over a handful of other governors from each party.

"I think the politics have been dialed down a couple of notches, and now people are willing to sit down and talk about how we can solve the problem" of rising health care costs, Kitzhaber told The Associated Press in a recent interview.

Kitzhaber introduced the plan in 2011 in the face of a severe state budget deficit, and he's been talking for two years about expanding the initiative beyond his state. Now, it seems he's found people ready to listen.

Hospital executives from Alabama visited Oregon last month to learn about the effort. And the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services announced Thursday that it's giving Oregon a $45 million grant to help spread the changes beyond the Medicaid population and share information with other states, making it one of only six states to earn a State Innovation Model grant.

Kitzhaber will address his counterparts at a meeting of the National Governors Association. His talk isn't scheduled on the official agenda, but a spokeswoman confirmed that Kitzhaber is expected to present.

"The governors love what they call stealing from one another ? taking the good ideas and the successes of their colleagues and trying to figure out how to apply that in their home state," said Matt Salo, director of the National Association of Medicaid Directors.

There's been "huge interest" among other states in Oregon's health overhaul, Salo said, not because the concepts are brand new, but because the state managed to avoid pitfalls that often block health system changes.

Kitzhaber persuaded state lawmakers to redesign the system of delivering and paying for health care under Medicaid, creating incentives for providers to coordinate patient care and prevent avoidable emergency room visits. He has long complained that the current financial incentives encourage volume over quality, driving costs up without making people healthier.

Obama, in his State of the Union address this month, suggested that changes such as Oregon's could be part of a long-term strategy to lower the federal debt by reigning in the growing cost of federally funded health care.

"We'll bring down costs by changing the way our government pays for Medicare, because our medical bills shouldn't be based on the number of tests ordered or days spent in the hospital ? they should be based on the quality of care that our seniors receive," Obama said.

The Obama administration has invested in the program, putting up $1.9 billion to keep Oregon's Medicaid program afloat over the next five years while providers make the transition to new business models and incorporate new staff and technology.

In exchange, though, the state has agreed to lower per-capita health care cost inflation by 2 percentage points without affecting quality.

The Medicaid system is unique in each state, and Kitzhaber isn't suggesting that other states should adopt Oregon's specific approach, said Mike Bonetto, Kitzhaber's health care policy adviser. Rather, he wants governors to buy into the broad concept that the delivery system and payment models need to change.

That's not a new theory. But Oregon has shown that under the right circumstances massive changes to deeply entrenched business models can gain wide support.

What Oregon can't yet show is proof the idea is working ? that it's lowering costs without squeezing on the quality or availability of care. The state is just finishing compiling baseline data that will be used as a basis of comparison.

One factor driving the Obama administration's interest in Oregon's success is the president's health care overhaul. Under the Affordable Care Act, millions more Americans will join the Medicaid rolls after Jan. 1, and the health care system will have to be able to absorb the influx of patients in a logistically and financially sustainable way.

The federal government will pay 100 percent of the costs for those additional patients in the first three years before scaling back to 90 percent in 2020 and beyond.

"There are a lot of governors who are facing the same challenges we're facing in Oregon," Kitzhaber said. "They recognize that the cost of health care is something they're going to have to get their arms around."


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Thursday, February 21, 2013

Google Seeks Glass Explorers

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Apple iWatch Vs. Smartwatches Past And Present

(click image for larger view and for slideshow) Google has launched a website to allow anyone to apply for an invitation to join the company's Glass Explorer program, an opportunity previously offered only to developers attending last summer's Google I/O developer conference.

The Glass Explorer program provides participants with the option to buy Google Glass Explorer Edition, the company's forthcoming Internet-connected eyeglasses, for $1,500 plus tax.

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A select group of developers in the Glass Explorer program recently had the opportunity to participate in Glass Foundry events in New York and San Francisco, at which details of the Project Glass Mirror API were revealed under a strict non-disclosure agreement. The API provides a way for third-party applications to exchange data with the cloud service Google is developing to communicate with its networked glasses.

[ Wonder what Google has up its tech sleeve? Read Google I/O: 10 Awesome Visions. ]

Google last summer staged an impressive demonstration that involved skydivers wearing its glasses to transmit a live video feed of their jump. But it has not previously released many details about how Project Glass might be useful to the average person.

So it has put this question to would-be Glass Explorers, inviting them to publish posts of 50 words or less on Google+ or Twitter that explain, "what you would do if you had Glass, starting with the hashtag #ifihadglass." Applicants, who must be 18 or older and live in the U.S., can include up to five pictures and a video of 15 seconds or less.

To inspire potential applicants, Google has posted a new video and a website page demonstrating some of the capabilities of Google Glass. Assuming the video represents captured imagery rather than post-production visual effects, Glass has been designed to listen for a spoken prompt, "Okay Glass," and to then present a menu of options -- take a picture, record a video, hang out with, and get directions to -- that represent valid spoken commands.

Those commands invite further refinement using Google's search query auto-completion technology. For example, saying, "Okay, Glass, hang out with ..." shows a list of the user's Google+ contacts on the display screen to indicate names that can be used to complete the command (to start a Google+ hangout).

The video also shows how Glass can be used to submit spoken queries to Google search. "Okay Glass, Google photos of tiger heads," for example, returns a series of images of tigers' heads from Google Image Search. Glass can also access Google Translate to convert spoken words into text in another language that's displayed on the wearer's screen. The video also confirms that Glass includes support for Google Now, the company's predictive assistant technology. And it can be used to send speech-to-text messages.

Google will be accepting 50-word social media applications until February 27, at which point it will send Glass Explorer program invitations to an undisclosed subset of applicants. Those receiving invitations have the option, but not the obligation, to purchase Google Glass Explorer Edition. Invitees will be able to write code for Glass using the Mirror API, just like the developers who previously signed up for the Glass Explorer program.

Invitees who opt to buy will have to travel to special Glass distribution events to be held in New York, Los Angeles or San Francisco to pick up their glasses. Google said it will notify those accepted in mid-March. The company has not committed to a specific date to make Project Glass publicly available, though it has said it plans to deliver Explorer Edition hardware in "early 2013."

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The Secret Of Location-Based Mobile Ads - Business Insider

Tom MacIsaac is the CEO of Verve, a leader in location-based mobile advertising.

As Sir Martin Sorrell said, location targeting in mobile is the holy grail of marketing. Reaching consumers when they are out and about, on the go, interacting with both the digital and real worlds together can actually fulfill the longstanding goal of ?right ad, right person, right place, right time?.

Location is a big deal. For the history of digital advertising we?ve basically been targeting on a few things, like content, cookie data and search. The big new data set mobile brings to the table is location?a data set that can be as important at inferring intent, demographics, audience segments and other attributes as any we have seen to date. ?

And it brings genuine value to end users?helping them find products and services where and when they want them?a key attribute of the most valuable advertising mediums.

There is a lot of energy and excitement around location targeting in mobile?from agencies and brands that see the enormous potential and from technology companies that are building the next-generation platforms for harvesting and leveraging this data for marketing and advertising.

But there?s one very significant problem that is holding mobile location targeting back?the market has been flooded with bad location data. And many are turning a blind eye to this fact because to acknowledge it would be contrary to their business interests.?

There are many sources for actionable mobile location data. The device can share GPS level data (provided the user has opted in to share location with an app or web site). This GPS data is typically represented by latitude and longitude coordinates (lat/long) and is generally very accurate. The network can share data derived from cell tower triangulation which is also quite accurate. There is also user-supplied location data (e.g. when a user provides his zip code when registering for a site or service). ?

Another method of deriving location is IP address analysis, which can range from very accurate to completely inaccurate. An IP lookup can resolve to a terrestrial wifi network (like an airport or coffee shop), most of which are well indexed to location. But an IP lookup can also resolve to a carrier IP address and carrier IPs vary widely in accuracy. Many carrier IP locations are accurate to the metro or zip level, but many resolve to ?backhaul? addresses?which are the locations where the carrier aggregates mobile data for transport over fiber trunks in the telecommunication infrastructure?which are generally inaccurate.?

The cr?me of the crop in location data targeting is device-level GPS lat/long data. Highly targeted mobile advertising campaigns that are focused on targeting people in an area the size of a city block or a shopping center or a big box store require this precise lat/long data (and potentially wifi data). The problem is that lat/long data is very scarce. Most industry experts consistently estimate that about 5-10% of mobile ad impressions have lat/long from users who have opted in to share location with an app or site. This makes sense. ?Most apps and many of the largest mobile consumer apps?like internet radio or game apps?aren?t allowed by Apple to ask for location. ?

One of the rules for app store approval is that, if the developer of an app has built in a feature that asks the user for location, he must have a good reason for doing so?location-based apps like Foursquare, mapping apps or local media properties sites/apps that are providing geo-aware weather, sports scores or movie times are good examples of apps that can ask for location and with which users tend to share location.

Yet, some exchanges and networks claim 70, 80 or even 100 percent lat/long impressions. ?How can this be? One more time?5 to 10% of all mobile impressions have lat/long but a given exchange may claim 80% lat/long? ?

The answer is some people are making up lat/longs. This is the dirty little secret of location-based advertising. About 12 months ago, some publishers figured out that location was the one attribute that really moved the needle in the exchanges and the ?inferred? (read ?made up?) lat/long was born.1?

If buyers are paying a premium for lat/long location data and it?s the only thing that can give a publisher?s mobile impressions a price boost, manipulators will find a way. And they have. In 12 months? time, the number of lat/long impressions in exchanges has grown from the industry average 5-10% to the current 70-80%. Even though, generally speaking, lower quality, rather than premium impressions, end up in exchanges, so one would expect that premium lat/long impressions would be used by publishers and their location specialist partners and fewer (not more) lat/long impressions would be making it into the exchanges.?

The methods being used to generate ?inferred? lat/longs fall into two primary categories (although there are more): ?centroids? or ?randomized? lat/ longs. ?

Centroids are lat/long coordinates that are generated by software programs that automatically pick the center of a geographic region as a substitute for either no location data ?many corrupt lat/longs are dead center in the middle of the country?or for lesser-quality location data?they are in the middle of a state, DMA, city or zip. ?

Randomized lat/longs are generated by software programs that randomly choose lat/longs within a region. This is a really big problem for the evolution of the highly granular location targeting that has so much potential and has marketers so excited. If a marketer is targeting a particular store location, mall or office building, a particular neighborhood or city block or an audience segment that is based on inferences drawn from the context of a user?s location, then bogus location coordinates are almost certainly targeting the wrong place and the wrong people and driving down performance. Garbage in, garbage out.

So what to do about it? At Verve, our roots are in building mobile tools for publishers and we work with many of the largest premium content publishers in the US providing them with a mobile publishing, web and app platform that powers their mobile content distribution. ?

So, for about a third of the publishers we work with, we are the first party technology platform ?we know with 100% certainty what location the GPS chip in the device is generating. Also, most of these properties are location-aware, giving users good reason to opt in to sharing location.

Further, for the publishers we work with who aren?t on our publishing platform, we work with most of them directly, through first party business development relationships. If we see data that our systems detect as suspect we call them up and rectify the situation?either they send us good data or we don?t work with them. ?When we do venture into the mobile exchanges we leverage our unique proprietary technology that allows us to recognize and parse ad impressions with genuine location data from those with false location data and cherry pick verified impressions. ??

We work with publishers with over 108M US unique users and see almost 10 billion impressions monthly and we have more verified lat/long impressions than anyone in mobile. And when we use DMA, city, zip, user supplied or IP targeted location data?which can be valuable under the right circumstances and can help advertisers achieve scale in this emerging technology arena?we don?t hide the ball and call it something else. ?

All of these things?cultivating inventory partners with higher than average true lat/long data, working directly with partner publishers so we can have confidence in the data being received and developing proprietary technology and models that allow us to identify and reject ?inferred? lat/longs?are important in making sure we can operate our business on legitimate location data and advance location targeting in mobile. But we are also working on a broader solution that could become an industry model?a system that scores every impression for the likely accuracy of its location data and estimates the likely original source (e.g. ?this centroid is likely derived from this zip code?) so even if the problem of ?inferred? lat/longs continues we can provide a measure of transparency.

Location targeting in mobile has enormous promise. With the increasing penetration of smartphones, increasing user migration from online to mobile consumption, the increasing development of location aware apps and the increasing comfort by consumers with sharing location, we will see steady growth in high-quality, location-aware ad impressions sufficient to make this promise a reality. The lack of transparency in location data only sets us back.


1In online exchanges cookies provide the data points that act as the value drivers for impressions (a user who has visited a car site is an ?auto intender? and that information is stored in a cookie and that impression commands a high price for an auto marketer), but in the mobile world where we have a fragmented technology landscape with multiple devices, operating systems etc, the third party cookie state is very limited. ?So in mobile exchanges mobile marketers typically bid on IAB content category (I want someone reading business or mom content), or device type (I want people on high end phones) or location (I want people in lower Manhattan).


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Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Live from HTC's 2013 launch event!

Live from HTC's 2013 launch event!

It's been less than a month since HTC sent out our invite -- but you're still a little early. The company's gone for the surprise attack, ahead of Barcelona's huge phone show, MWC. However, we're sure HTC will have plenty of interesting tidbits to show us, just one year since the One X set our hearts a-flutter. The event kicks off at 10am ET.

February 19, 2013 10:00 AM EST

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Apple says Macs at its offices were hacked

NEW YORK (AP) ? Apple says a small number of Mac computers at its offices were infected by malicious software, in an attack similar to the one Facebook acknowledged last week.

In both cases, computers were infected through software downloaded from a site for software developers. The attacks took advantage of flaws in the Java plug-in for Web browsers.

Neither company said that there was any evidence that the attackers gleaned any data from their attacks.

The Java vulnerability is well known, and Apple has taken measures to disable the plug-in on all Macs. It says it would release an update malware removal tool to remove infections.

In January, the U.S. Department of Homeland Security recommended disabling Java in Web browsers to avoid hacking attacks.


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UberHype for Android Puts Great New Music on your Phone, Anywhere You Are

UberHype for Android Puts Great New Music on your Phone, Anywhere You Are Android: Whether you're a fan of music streaming and discovery site The Hype Machine or you just enjoy finding and listening to great new music, UberHype for Android is a must-have. The app brings all of the music available at The Hype Machine to your Android phone, and makes it easy to search for, stream, save, and share great new music, anywhere you go.

UberHype offers all of the features available on the web: If you don't have a Hype Machine account, you can sign up through the app (if you want?you don't need an account to use the app.) From there, it's easy to browse the most popular tracks, the newest songs added to the site, the most talked-about or buzzed-about songs, or just see the ones that have been added by the music blogs that contribute to Hype Machine. When you find something you like, you can subscribe to the artist or the music blog that uploaded it, save it to your favorites, or just press play to stream it immediately, or start listening to a playlist for continuous playback that won't stop until you tell it to.

You can favorite tracks to listen to them later, and if you have friends on Hype Machine, you can see their favorited tracks in the app as well. The app itself is well designed, and makes finding new music easy, even though under the hood there are tons of sharing and social features to help you connect with friends and artists. The app is free, and available over at Google Play.

UberHype (Free) | Google Play


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Tuesday, February 19, 2013


Captured Hearts

Love is a finicky thing. Especially for a noble, since they are required to marry for land, not love. Which means that love between a peasant and a noble would be even worse. It would never be allowed, at least, not in public.

This is a mostly character-run RolePlay.

The Albelin and Rom? kingdoms have been at war for centuries. Though recently they have made an attempt at peace, to also bring the lands together, they have decided that the Rom? prince[Ian Somerhalder] and the Albelin princess[FC: Lily Collins] shall marry. Albelin has also invited the Rom? kingdom to stay at their castle for the winter. The princess took this news badly, locking herself away with her sister[FC: Nina Dobrev], the Eldest Princess, for almost a weeks time. As a punishment, they have decided to force the princess to focus even more on her studies, even making her to have a tutor that stays in the servants chambers in the castle.

Because of the princess's constant studying, Isabella finds herself spending more and more time with the Rom? prince. Since the princess has no intentions of ever loving or marrying the prince, he goes to the Isabella for help on how to make the princess come to love him. Though he does not love the princess, he knows that he must respect his fathers wishes. What would happen then, when the sister begins to have feelings for the prince?

As for the Lady In Waiting, well, she has been waiting for quite a long time. The Eldest Princess comes to her to ask that she distracts the Prince's Guard, so that they would not be caught or disturbed. It works but, perhaps she is doing too good a job at distracting the guard?

Open | Reserved | Taken

Couple One
Name: Any FC: Jonas Armstrong Age: 26 Role: Princess's Tutor Status: Open
The tutor is the smartest peasant you'll ever find. Not only is he smart, though, he is also kind and respectful and certainly a gentleman. He also finds himself holding the affections of the princess. Now he knows that any chance of a relationship with her would not only have him fired, but also probably killed. Will he risk it, or will he push her away?

Name: --- Albelin FC: Lily Collins Age: 19 Role: Princess Status: Taken by bandgeek
Princess Albelin is probably the most unladylike princess you'll ever meet. She is a tomboy, completely rebellious against anything her parents tell her to do. Especially their wishes for her to marry the Prince. Though they force her to have a tutor as punishment for her actions, which at first she thinks is a very bad idea. When she finds that her tutor is rather handsome though, will her opinions change?

Couple Two
Name: --- Rom? FC: Ian Somerhalder Age: 23 Role: Eldest Prince Status: Open
Rom?'s Prince does everything he can to please his father, always seeking the approval from him. So as soon as he is told that he is to marry the younger Albelin Princess, he is more than happy to comply. As soon as they reach Albelin he sets out to gain the affections of the young princess, as he still is a gentleman and does not wish to force her to marry him. Of course he goes to Isabella, as she would know his fianc? best, right? Though as he spends more time with Isabella, and the desire for his fathers approval grows stronger, he becomes stuck between love and loyalty.

Name: Isabella Albelin FC: Nina Dobrev Age: 20 Role: Eldest Princess Status: Reserved for Jynxii
Isabella is struggling with the hand fate has dealt her. With the news of her fianc??s death, and the engagement of her younger sister to the neighboring kingdom, Isabella struggles to find her place. When the dark-haired prince from Rom? arrives, she is struck by how handsome he is. When he asks her to help teach him about her younger sister she can?t refuse. Will all their time spent together remain innocent, or will feelings start to develop?

Couple Three
Name: Any FC: Tom Hopper Age: 25 Role: Prince's Guard Status: Open
He is certainly the quiet and strong type, what else could you expect from the Prince's head guard? Just his presence can make a room full of men uneasy. Though his heart is as big as his muscles, causing him to easily fall for the Lady In Waiting. Though would he betray his duty to the future king for her?

Name: Any FC: Tamzin Merchant Age: 23 Role: Lady In Waiting Status: Open
The Lady In Waiting is almost the complete opposite of the princess, and is constantly scolding the other for being so boyish. Though she does like to charm her way around, since she knows that she isn't going to be sent off to be married anytime soon. Deep down she is sweeter though, rather shy and unsure of herself. First impressions of her are almost the opposite though, as she will come off as very confident and ladylike.

We are looking for semi-illiterate writers, though anyone is welcome as we will of course be open to help you get your word count up and answer any questions! :3


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Facebook user with fake name targeting young women

updated 19:05

Published: 3:39PM Monday February 18, 2013 Source: ONE News

An Upper Hutt man accused of using a fake Facebook account to prey on female teenagers is due to appear in court tomorrow.

Police arrested the 20-year-old after he allegedly created at least three profiles under the name "Nick Davis" to communicate inappropriately with females as young as 10-years-old.

"The suspect has created a fictitious presence under the false name of 'Nick Davis' for the purpose of facilitating these communications," said Detective Kylee Cusin.

He will appear in the Lower Hutt District Court tomorrow but police will not say what he has been charged with.

Investigators believe there are more victims and are urging anyone who has communicated with "Nick Davis'" on Facebook to contact Detective Kylee Cusin at the Hutt Valley Police or Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111.

Copyright ? 2013, Television New Zealand Limited. Breaking and Daily News, Sport & Weather | TV ONE, TV2 | Ondemand


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Saturday, February 16, 2013

Karla Bonoff to perform at The ArtsCenter March 2nd | Triangle Arts ...

Karla Bonoff

Karla Bonoff

On March 2nd, Karla Bonoff will bring her classic songwriting to The ArtsCenter stage for an intimate evening of musical storytelling. Peter Holsapple, of dB?s legend, will open the evening. Tickets are $27 in Advance, $23 for ArtsCenter Friends, and $31 Day of Show and can be purchased at our box office at 300-G East Main St., by phone at (919) 929-2787, or online at

?For years we have awaited each Karla Bonoff album as if it were letters from a long lost home,? says ArtsCenter Executive Director Art Menius. ?We knew it would contain not only great songs that would soon be covered by seemingly everyone, who felt like we were hearing personal messages from a true friend. The opportunity to hear three foremost vocalists who appeared during the 1960s (Judy Collins), 1970s (Karla Bonoff), and 1980s (Suzanne Vega) so close together marks the kind of rare cultural programming that only The ArtsCenter can provide.?

Describing Karla Bonoff as one of the finest singer/songwriters of her generation grossly understates the case. With a career spanning four decades, Bonoff has enjoyed critical acclaim, commercial success, enduring popularity and the unwavering respect of her peers. In addition to achieving chart success with her own recordings, Karla has seen her songs become hits for such stellar artists as Bonnie Raitt, Wynonna Judd and Linda Ronstadt. Many of Bonoff?s ballads are now pop classics. All the while, she has continued to tour extensively, playing sold-out shows around the world. Karla?s moving vocals on her rich, expressive songs is like standing beneath a sparkling waterfall?refreshing, exhilarating, restorative. And hearing them live, at The ArtsCenter, can be transformative ? especially with special guest Nina Gerber on guitar.

Chapel Hill legend Peter Holsapple, whose path breaking and iconic jangle-pop outfit the dB?s released its first new album in three decades last year, opens the evening.

Programs at The ArtsCenter are supported in part by Brooks Pierce, Chapel Hill Restaurant Group, Giorgios Hospitality Group, The North Carolina Arts Council, The Orange County Arts Commission, and Tony Hall and Associates.

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The ArtsCenter is a non-profit teaching and presenting organization founded in 1974. The largest employer of artists in Orange County, NC, it serves more than 80,000 people annually, through classes, studios, concerts, theatre, spoken word, gallery displays, more than 80 school shows, and more. The ArtsCenter exerts a local economic impact exceeding $3,200,000 which generates the equivalent of 103 full time jobs and $301,000 in state and local tax revenue.

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California Professors Unveil Proposal To Attack Asteroids With Lasers - science

An anonymous reader writes "Yesterday's twin events with invading rocks from outer space ? the close encounter with asteroid 2012 DA14, and the killer meteorite over Russia that was more than close ? have brought the topic of defending mankind against killer asteroids back into the news. The Economist summarizes some of the ideas that have been bandied about, in a story that suggests Paul Simon's seventies hit "Fifty Ways to Leave Your Lover": Just push it aside, Clyde. Show it the nuke, Luke. Gravity tug, Doug. The new proposal is an earth orbiting, solar-powered array of laser guns called DE-STAR (Directed Energy Solar Targeting of AsteRoids) from two California-based professors, physicist Philip Lubin (UCSB) and industrial statistician Gary Hughes (Cal Polytechnic State). Lubin and Hughes say their system could be developed and deployed in a range of sizes depending on the size of the target: DE-STAR 2, about the size of the International Space Station (100 meters) could nudge comets and asteroids from their orbits, while DE-STAR 4 (100 times larger than ISS) could evaporate an asteroid 500 meters in diameter (10 times larger than 2012 DA14) in a year. Of course, this assumes that the critters could be spotted early enough for the lasers to do their work."

Read more of this story at Slashdot.

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'Samsung Siapkan 100 Juta Unit Galaxy S IV'

Jakarta - Seri Galaxy S yang menjadi handset flagship Samsung memang biasanya meraih sukses di pasaran. Seri terbaru Galaxy S IV bahkan kabarnya akan dibuat dalam jumlah 100 juta unit.

Sebelumnya, Samsung mengumumkan bahwa kombinasi penjualan Galaxy S, Galaxy S II dan Galaxy S III sudah mencapai 100 juta unit. Sehingga mereka pun mencanangkan target tinggi untuk Galaxy S IV.

Memang jumlah pembuatan 100 juta unit bukan pernyataan resmi dari pihak Samsung. Akan tetapi perkiraan analis Peter Misek dari biro pengamat pasar Jefferies & Company.

"Rencana pembuatan 100 juta unit S IV (kami mengestimasi S III terjual 60 juta) membuat beberapa suplier mengatakan mereka mengalihkan sumber dayanya dari Apple," tulis Misek.

Ya, Misek menilai bahwa pabrikan Samsung tidak akan memprioritaskan pasokan komponen untuk Apple. Namun fokus sepenuhnya pada pembuatan Galaxy S IV.

Galaxy S IV kabarnya akan diperkenalkan secara resmi pada tanggal 15 Maret mendatang atau tidak lama sesudahnya. Demikian seperti detikINET kutip dari BGR, Jumat (15/2/2013).

( fyk / ash )

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Friday, February 15, 2013

Oil giants line up to invest in technology firm Lux

TWO of the biggest names in the oil and gas industry have joined forces with a group of business angels to turn an embryonic technology firm into a full-blown energy services provider.

ConocoPhillips and Statoil have taken stakes in Lux Assure, alongside existing investors from Archangel Informal Investment and the Scottish Investment Bank (SIB). A total of ?3.25 million has been pumped into the company.

Lux managing director Emma Perfect said staff numbers would double from six to 12 in the coming year as the company builds up sales and logistics teams to support its two main products, which monitor chemical levels in oil and water.

A management team ? including a chief executive ? with experience in these areas will also be recruited.

A chief financial officer and business development manager will probably join the chief ?executive, who will take over from Perfect as she steps back full-time into her other role as chief technology officer.

?We have started the process of recruiting a chief executive, and we have a shortlist,? Perfect told The Scotsman.

?The aim is to appoint someone with a strong background in running a services company.?

Founded in Edinburgh in 2001 as Lux Biotechnology, the company has in the past adapted life sciences testing methods for use in a variety of fields.

Lux decided to focus solely on the oil and gas industry in 2009, and since then has received ?800,000 in two rounds of backing from Archangels and SIB, which runs Scottish Enterprise?s Scottish Venture Fund.

News of funding from Conoco-Phillips and Statoil will be particularly welcome among Scotland?s angel investors, who have been forced to support fledgling companies over longer periods since the onset of the financial crisis.

The downturn has choked off bank financing and led to the hoarding of cash by major corporations that invest in and buy smaller firms with promising technology.

Andy Laing, an investment executive at Archangels, said the addition of shareholders from the oil industry would further enhance Lux?s prospects.

?This has been a welcome opportunity for Archangel to support Lux Assure?s continued growth and to demonstrate that business angel groups can successfully co-invest with venture capitalist firms,? he said.

?This level of investment, coupled with the skills and ?experience across the shareholder base, substantially increases the likelihood of commercial success for Lux and strong financial returns for investors.?

Aubin, a Scottish supplier of specialist chemicals to the ?energy industry, has also announced a successful fund-raising this week via a ?2.25m investment from Business Growth Fund, the UK government-backed initiative to improve finance for smaller firms. The money will go towards overseas expansion.


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Kilmer applauds jobs focus in State of the Union address

After attending his first State of the Union address, U.S. Rep. Derek Kilmer said he was encouraged by President Obama's push for a balanced approach to deficit reduction and his call for job creation and protecting the middle class.

Kilmer, a 6th District Democrat from Gig Harbor, was elected to Congress in November.

In a statement after attending President Obama?s State of the Union address Tuesday, Kilmer noted the recent postponement of a job fair at Puget Sound Naval Shipyard brought on by budget uncertainty, and the impact of a drop in military spending at the end of 2012.

?Job growth doesn?t happen in the halls of the Capitol, it happens at home on Main Street,? Kilmer said.

?As the president pointed out, Congress should be working to improve our economy and helping small businesses in our region create good, high-paying jobs," he said.

"The postponement of the Puget Sound Naval Shipyard career fair and the latest dip in the economy show that congressional inaction is making it harder to move our nation forward. That?s why we need to stop these nonstrategic, across-the-board cuts and replace them with a smart, balanced approach to reduce our deficit and get our economy growing,? Kilmer said.

Kilmer's invited guest to the State of the Union was Bruce Kendall, president and CEO of the Economic Development Board of Tacoma-Pierce County.

Kendall is also a member of the board of the University of Washington-Tacoma Institute of Technology, and serves on the board of the Central Puget Sound Economic Development District, the Tacoma-Pierce County Chamber of Commerce, the Tacoma-Pierce County Workforce Development Council and the World Trade Center Tacoma.




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Calcium is initial trigger in our immune response to healing

Feb. 14, 2013 ? For the first time scientists studying the cellular processes underlying the body's response to healing have revealed how a flash of calcium is the very first step in repairing damaged tissue. The findings, published in Current Biology, could lead to new therapies that speed up the healing process following injury or surgery.

Until recently, very little was known about how damaged tissue activates and attracts the first white blood cells to the wound -- the first stage in the healing process. However, researchers from the University of Bristol's School of Biochemistry in collaboration with a team from the University of Bath, have shown that the very first trigger in this process is a flash of calcium which spreads like a wave back from the wound edge through gap junctions that connect all the cells.

This flash of calcium signal goes on to activate an enzyme known as DUOX that synthesises hydrogen peroxide, which, in turn, attracts the first white blood cells to the wound. This white blood cell invasion, which is initiated during our inflammatory responses, is needed to kill off invading microbes and stop the onset of septicaemia following tissue damage.

The findings indicate that the wound-induced calcium flash represents the earliest identified signal following wounding and might therefore orchestrate the rapid recruitment of immune cells.

To assess the impact of a reduced calcium flash upon the inflammatory response the team used Drosophila (fruit fly) embryos because they are translucent which makes it easy to image the inflammatory response and because of their simple genetics. The team found that blocking the calcium flash inhibited H2O2 release at the wound site leading to a reduction in the number of immune cells migrating to the wound.

Paul Martin, Professor of Cell Biology and an expert in wound healing at the University, said: "White blood cells are a little like 'Jeckyll and Hyde' in that they help us heal but are also the reason behind why we scar so we really need to know how they are regulated at wounds in order to learn how to control their behaviours for future therapeutic intervention."

Will Razzell, the lead PhD researcher on this study, added: "We are more than ever understanding the pathways that lead to immune cell attraction to wounds. As calcium represents the immediate inflammatory signal, we now have a good foundation to investigate this complicated process further."

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Story Source:

The above story is reprinted from materials provided by University of Bristol.

Note: Materials may be edited for content and length. For further information, please contact the source cited above.

Journal Reference:

  1. William Razzell, Iwan?Robert Evans, Paul Martin, Will Wood. Calcium Flashes Orchestrate the Wound Inflammatory Response through DUOX Activation and Hydrogen Peroxide Release. Current Biology, 2013; DOI: 10.1016/j.cub.2013.01.058

Note: If no author is given, the source is cited instead.

Disclaimer: This article is not intended to provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Views expressed here do not necessarily reflect those of ScienceDaily or its staff.


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91 percent of smartphones use Android, Apple OS

Android and Apple's mobile operating systems were on 91 percent of the smartphones shipped globally in the last quarter of 2012, according to a report from IDC on Thursday, meaning that the fight for third place will be a mighty one between BlackBerry and Windows.

Google's Android operating system was on 70.1 percent of phones shipped, with Apple's iOS on 21 percent.

"The dominance of Android and Apple reached a new watermark in the fourth quarter," said Ramon Llamas, research manager with IDC's Mobile Phone team, in a statement.

"Android boasted a broad selection of smartphones, and an equally deep list of smartphone vendor partners. Finding an Android smartphone for nearly any budget, taste, size and price was all but guaranteed during 2012. As a result, Android was rewarded with market-beating growth."

Apple makes one iPhone, the current model being the iPhone 5, although previous models such as the 4S and 4 are still sold.

"Demand for Apple's iPhone 5 kept iOS out in front and in the hands of many smartphone users," Llamas said. "At the same time, lower prices on the iPhone 4 and the iPhone 4S brought iOS within reach of more users and sustained volume success of older models."

Android and Apple operating systems have been on more than 50 percent of smartphone shipments for the past two years, IDC said, But with the the new BlackBerry 10 and Windows Phone 8 coming this year, "we expect some ground to be made by the new entrants over the coming years," said Ryan Reith, program manager with IDC's Mobile Device Trackers.

BlackBerry had 3.2 percent of shipments in the fourth quarter, and Windows phones, 2.6 percent.

"There is no question the road ahead is uphill for both Microsoft and BlackBerry, but history shows us consumers are open to change. Platform diversity is something not only the consumers have asked for, but also the operators."

Indeed, Windows phones increased market share in the fourth quarter 2012 over the same period in 2011, going from 1.5 to 6 percent. BlackBerry, meanwhile, had a decline from 8.1 to 3.2 percent, a precipitous drop it's hoping to turn around with its new BlackBerry 10 phones.

Check out Technology, GadgetBox, DigitalLife and InGame on Facebook, and on Twitter, follow Suzanne Choney.


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Thursday, February 14, 2013

Argentina?s Timerman slams Israel criticism of Iran pact

BUENOS AIRES, Argentina (JTA) -- Argentinian Foreign Minister Hector Timerman hit back at Israeli criticism of a joint commission with Iran on the AMIA bombing on his first day of testimony to his country's Congress.

Both houses of the Congress must approve the "truth commission" before it is made active, and Jewish groups were present at the Senate session Wednesday to make clear their opposition.

Timerman argued that the commission was the best avenue to get at the truth of the 1994 bombing of the Buenos Aires JCC, which killed 85 and injured hundreds.

Dealing with Iran was not "pleasant," he said in his testimony, "but our goal is advancing the AMIA case. We want to know the truth about the attack."

Iran until now has resisted any cooperation with Argentina or international authorities in the bombing.

Timerman, who is Jewish, quoted Deuteronomy: "Justice, justice shall thou pursue."

He was especially scornful of some Israeli criticism of the proposed pact.

"Israeli Foreign Minister Avigdor Liberman told me that we cannot sign agreement with Iran," he said. "So maybe he wants that we kidnap the suspects or put a bomb below the car of one of them."

Also testifying was Julio Schlosser, the president of DAIA, a Jewish umbrella group, who likened the pact to dealing with Holocaust deniers.

"We reject the memorandum because our counterpart is not dependable," he said.

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Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Youths with autism spectrum disorder need help transitioning to adult health care

Feb. 12, 2013 ? Health care transition (HCT) services help young people with special health care needs such as asthma or diabetes move from pediatric to adult health care. However, youths with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) have less access to these services, which are designed to prevent gaps in care and insurance coverage. A University of Missouri researcher recommends that the medical community develop HCT services for individuals with ASD as a way to ensure consistent and coordinated care and increase their independence and quality of life.

Nancy Cheak-Zamora, an assistant professor in the Department of Health Sciences in the MU School of Health Professions, found that less than a quarter of youths with ASD receive HCT services compared to about half of youths with other special health care needs. Occasionally, young adults lack health services for several years after they leave the care of their pediatricians, but the gap in care is more harmful for young adults with ASD. In addition to their behavioral and communication difficulties, nearly half of youths with ASD have major co-existing medical conditions, such as seizures, gastrointestinal problems or sleep disturbances. These conditions increase the youths' dependence on the health care system and their need for HCT services, Cheak-Zamora said.

"The health care community is doing a great job getting young people with ASD into therapies," Cheak-Zamora said. "However, once the youths age into adulthood, we stop thinking about how to help them address their medical needs and the new challenges they're facing. Similar to educational, vocational or social transitioning, HCT services are necessary to help individuals with ASD function independently."

Cheak-Zamora said health care providers should discuss the transition to adult health care services when their patients with ASD are about 12 years old. As the youths mature, the physicians can gradually give them more responsibilities for their health care so they can develop independence by the time they turn 18. At that point, Cheak-Zamora recommends that the youths, their caregivers, and their pediatricians and adult primary care physicians meet to discuss the youths' heath needs. This meeting can help reduce the risk of anxiety youths with ASD experience when faced with unfamiliar routines and settings that could come with switching to a new provider, she said.

"Most people with ASD are younger than age 18 right now, so in the next decade we're going to get an influx of adults with ASD," Cheak-Zamora said. "Our health care system is currently unprepared to treat their needs."

Cheak-Zamora, who also teaches in the MU Master of Public Health Program, said health care providers are not always trained to implement HCT services and don't receive sufficient financial reimbursement for the services, which can take time away from appointments that the physicians now use to address patients' immediate health needs.

The study, "Disparities in Transition Planning for Youth with Autism Spectrum Disorder," was published in the journal Pediatrics.

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Story Source:

The above story is reprinted from materials provided by University of Missouri-Columbia.

Note: Materials may be edited for content and length. For further information, please contact the source cited above.

Journal Reference:

  1. N. C. Cheak-Zamora, X. Yang, J. E. Farmer, M. Clark. Disparities in Transition Planning for Youth With Autism Spectrum Disorder. PEDIATRICS, 2013; DOI: 10.1542/peds.2012-1572

Note: If no author is given, the source is cited instead.

Disclaimer: This article is not intended to provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Views expressed here do not necessarily reflect those of ScienceDaily or its staff.


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