Saturday, September 22, 2012

How to Plan an Effective IAM Strategy | Computers and Technology

Internet and Technology | Computers and Technology | * Written by Martin | Friday, 21 September 2012 01:09 | Word Count: 720

Identity and Access Management (IAM) can be defined as the process of monitoring as to who has access to what data. It is a cross functional activity that consists of setting up separate identities for systems and individuals and providing the association of system and application-level accounts to these identities. Though there are numerous executives who believe IAM to be an IT function, the process has an impact on every business unit across the enterprise. Hence, it is crucial that business units are aware of the nature of IAM and the way means to effectively manage it. IT teams also need to understand the method in which IAM can assist business processes and offer sound solutions that fulfill corporate agendas without making the organization vulnerable to any unwarranted risks.

Things To Be Considered In An IAM Strategy
There are certain crucial aspects that should be considered while planning for an identity access management strategy. They are:

  • The risks that are associated with IAM and the way they are addressed
  • The enterprise?s requirements
  • The way to approach IAM within an enterprise and how an effective IAM looks like
  • The procedure for recognizing users and the amount of users that are present within an enterprise
  • A process for authenticating users
  • The access approvals that are given to the users
  • To monitor if the users are accessing IT resources inappropriately
  • The procedure for recording and tracking user activities

However, as an enterprise undergoes changes, the IAM processes implemented too need to be changed accordingly. To make this task easy, eminent companies specializing in data protection solutions have introduced advanced IAM solutions having features such as:

Strategy and Design
This offers a methodical requirement analysis and planning that is crucial for creating the base for an efficient IAM strategy. Here solution provider assesses the needs of the end-user through several avenues, that includes field assessments and executive workshops that helps in setting up a strategy and IAM route map. The solution also helps with technology evaluation, business case analysis and solution architecture.

Digital Identity and User Lifecycle Management
This involves the design and management of data to recognize individuals in order to approve them for digital transactions. It is also crucial to monitor these identities over a period if time.

Access Management
This feature provides a comprehensive solution for enterprise access management comprising of single sign on, web access management, information rights management and coveraged access control.

Today leading service providers of identity access management solutions help to sustain and optimize your IAM strategy. IAM has been forever active, and therefore your system too needs to constantly evolve. Advanced IAM solutions address and caters to this requirement through system upgrades and enhancements.


Also read more on - Risk management frameworks


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Author of this article: Martin.

Number of Articles Published: 1136

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Martin joined FAFY - Free Article For You on Thursday, 11 August 2011.

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