Sunday, June 30, 2013

Heat wave intensifies across western US

Mike Bouse of Henderson, Nev., shades himself with an umbrella as he floats in the waters along Boulder Beach at Lake Mead, Saturday, June 29, 2013 near Boulder City, Nev. Bouse and his wife planned to spend most of the day in and out of the water to escape the heat in the Las Vegas area where Saturday's daytime high was expected to reach 117 degrees, the city's all-time high. It was 108 at noon Saturday in Sin City. (AP Photo/Julie Jacobson)

Mike Bouse of Henderson, Nev., shades himself with an umbrella as he floats in the waters along Boulder Beach at Lake Mead, Saturday, June 29, 2013 near Boulder City, Nev. Bouse and his wife planned to spend most of the day in and out of the water to escape the heat in the Las Vegas area where Saturday's daytime high was expected to reach 117 degrees, the city's all-time high. It was 108 at noon Saturday in Sin City. (AP Photo/Julie Jacobson)

Tubers float down the Salt River on Saturday, June 29, 2013, in Phoenix. Excessive heat warnings will continue for much of the Desert Southwest as building high pressure triggers major warming in eastern California, Nevada, and Arizona. Temperature's are expected to get as high as 118 degrees. (AP Photo/Rick Scuteri)

Families line the Salt River on Saturday, June 29, 2013, in Phoenix. Excessive heat warnings will continue for much of the Desert Southwest as building high pressure triggers major warming in eastern California, Nevada, and Arizona. Temperature's are expected to get as high as 118 degrees. (AP Photo/Rick Scuteri)

From left, Subrina Madrid, Jennifer, Shackelford and Sarah Hudak, , all of North Las Vegas, Nev., sit in the shallow waters along Boulder Beach at Lake Mead, Saturday, June 29, 2013 near Boulder City, Nev. The three planned to spend the day at the lake to escape the heat in Las Vegas where Saturday's daytime high was expected to reach 117 degrees, which is the city's all-time high. It was 108 at noon Saturday in Sin City. (AP Photo/Julie Jacobson)

Graphic shows forecast heat wave temperatures for June 29 and compares to previous record highs.;

(AP) ? Forecasters called for more supercharged temperatures Sunday as a heat wave gripped the Southwest, leaving one man dead and another hospitalized in serious condition in heat-aggravated incidents in this sunbaked city.

Temperatures in Las Vegas shot up to 115 degrees on Saturday afternoon, two degrees short of a record, while Phoenix baked in 119 degrees. Large swaths of California sweltered under extreme heat warnings, which are expected to last into Tuesday night ? and maybe even longer.

In Death Valley ? known as the hottest place on Earth ? temps reached 125, according to the National Weather Service. Death Valley's record high of 134 degrees, set nearly a century ago on July 10, 1913, stands as the planet's highest recorded temperature.

Las Vegas fire and rescue spokesman Tim Szymanski said paramedics responded to a home without air conditioning and found an elderly man dead. He said while the man had medical issues, paramedics thought the heat worsened his condition.

Paramedics said another elderly man suffered a heat stroke when the air conditioner in his car went out for several hours while he was on a long road trip. He stopped in Las Vegas, called 911 and was taken to the hospital in serious condition.

The oppressive heat has sent more than 40 other people to hospitals in Las Vegas since it arrived Friday, but no life-threatening injuries were reported.

"We will probably start to see a rise in calls Sunday and Monday as the event prolongs," Szymanski said in a statement. "People's bodies will be more agitated the longer the event lasts and people may require medical assistance."

Elsewhere in Southern California, Palm Springs peaked at 122 degrees while the mercury in Lancaster hit 111 and 117 in Baker. The strip of gas stations and restaurants between Los Angeles and Las Vegas is known by travelers for the giant thermometer that often notes temperatures in the triple digits.

To make matters worse, National Weather Service meteorologists John Dumas said cooling ocean breezes haven't been traveling far enough inland to fan the region's overheated valleys and deserts.

In Northern California, record-breaking temperatures were recorded in Sacramento, where the high was 107 degrees; Marysville reached 109 degrees; and Stockton saw 106 degrees.

Cooling stations were set up to shelter the homeless and elderly people who can't afford to run their air conditioners. In Phoenix, Joe Arpaio, the famously hard-nosed sheriff who runs a tent jail, planned to distribute ice cream and cold towels to inmates this weekend.

Officials said personnel were added to the Border Patrol's search-and-rescue unit because of the danger to people trying to slip across the Mexican border. At least seven people have been found dead in the last week in Arizona after falling victim to the brutal desert heat.

Temperatures are also expected to soar across Utah and into Wyoming and Idaho.

The heat was so punishing that rangers took up positions at trailheads at Lake Mead in Nevada to persuade people not to hike. Zookeepers in Phoenix hosed down the elephants and fed tigers frozen fish snacks. Dogs were at risk of burning their paws on scorched pavement, and airlines kept close watch on the heat for fear that it could cause flights to be delayed.

Associated Press


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Cammy's Covers - Hawkeye To Elephantmen - Bleeding Cool ...

hawkeye11Cameron Hatheway writes;

Hawkeye #11 by David Aja

Now either this dog is a stone-blooded killer, or he just accidentally walked through some raspberry jam. Having a Labrador myself, I would not be surprised whatsoever if it was explanation number two. Again with Aja, it?s the simple things that really speak volumes when illustrating a cover with little detail as possible. Bottom line, this cover is doggone good!

amalasblade3Amala?s Blade #3 by Michael Dialynas

And that?s why you always make sure the back gate is locked. Heaven forbid if your beloved cybernetic serpent hound gets out and runs away. I initially thought this was a Paul Pope cover, but alas it?s not. Michael Dialynas does a superb job here with the grittiness and the coloring, for there?s tons of energy in this cover. I can hear the snarls of hell from just staring at it.

prophet36Prophet #36 by Aaron Conley

This illustration must be a postcard from planet Australia, because it appears that everything on this cover is trying to kill you. The yellow and green starfish (or in this case, murderfish) combined with the gem throne and see-through goldfish at the bottom balance perfectly, for it feels good to allow the eyes to wander. Lots of great stuff happening here, or as the Prophets call it, ?Just another day.?

bprdvampire4B.P.R.D.: Vampire #4 by F?bio Moon

The thing I love the most about this cover is you don?t see the head or body of the spider, but merely the legs emerging from the dark. It could look like a thousand different things, but because we?re relying on our own references, it?s going to end up being a manifestation of our worst nightmares. It?s big, it?s creepy as hell, and while you?re reading this article, it?s slowly dangling down from overhead.

theunwritten50The Unwritten #50 by Yuko Shimizu

A Fables/The Unwritten crossover? Shut up and take my money! It will be interesting (and by that I mean fascinating) to see what Shimizu has in store for us as she illustrates characters from both universes. Already I?m loving her take on Bigby, and the flowers, birds, and big cloud of smoke are a nice touch as well. Can?t wait to see what the next cover holds!

elephantment49Elephantmen #49 by Boo Cook

This is my favorite cover of the week, hands down. It doesn?t get any more science-fictiony than this! Troops on the planet?s surface fending off from crystal serpents with nasty big pointy teeth; Can this please be a movie?? Boo Cook goes above and beyond with this cover, for it?s a painted masterpiece depicting some of the coolest alien action I?ve seen in a long time. I can only imagine what the interior art looks like!

Cameron Hatheway is the host of Cammy?s Comic Corner and Arts & Entertainment Editor of the Sonoma State STAR. You can watch him devour pulled pork sliders on Twitter @CamComicCorner.


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Snowden's stealthy exit: How WikiLeaks and maybe Russia helped

The NSA leaker is traveling to Moscow en route to a third country. Russian President Vladimir Putin's spokesman told journalists Sunday that he knows nothing of Snowden's travel plans.

By Fred Weir,?Correspondent / June 23, 2013

A giant screen at a Hong Kong shopping mall shows Edward Snowden, the former contractor accused of leaking information about NSA surveillance programs. He left Hong Kong on Sunday.

Vincent Yu/AP


The fugitive National Security Agency leaker Edward Snowden has sprung yet another surprise. He's on the move, and reportedly traveling to Cuba, and then perhaps on to Venezuela or Ecuador, via Moscow.

Skip to next paragraph Fred Weir


Fred Weir has been the Monitor's Moscow correspondent, covering Russia and the former Soviet Union, since 1998.?

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Mr. Snowden left his temporary refuge in Hong Kong?Sunday?morning, just one day after the US government charged him with espionage and launched an urgent effort to extradite him from the former British colony. He boarded an Aeroflot flight to Moscow, and news reports say he has an onward ticket with the Russian national airline to fly to Cuba?on Monday.

In addition to the clear suggestion of official Russian aid with the fleeing whistleblower's logistics, Snowden appears to have received help from a more kindred source. WikiLeaks tweeted?Sunday?that it had "assisted Mr. Snowden's political asylum in a democratic country, travel papers and safe exit from Hong Kong."

Kremlin authorities earlier hinted that Russia might be willing to grant asylum to Snowden. But President Vladimir Putin's spokesman, Dmitry Peskov, told journalists?Sunday?that he knows nothing about the NSA leaker's travel plans.

Authorities in Hong Kong announced Snowden's departure?Sunday?in an official statement?that noted he had left "on his own accord for a third country through a lawful and normal channel," and added that US authorities had already been informed.

The statement said the urgent US warrant to arrest Snowden could not be carried out "since the documents provided by the US Government did not fully comply with the legal requirements under Hong Kong law.... ?As the HKSAR [Hong Kong] Government has yet to have sufficient information to process the request for provisional warrant of arrest, there is no legal basis to restrict Mr Snowden from leaving Hong Kong."

The statement included an extraordinary passage that may go far toward explaining why Hong Kong, which does have an extradition treaty and good relations with the US, appears to have turned so uncooperative in Snowden's case: "Meanwhile, the HKSAR Government has formally written to the US Government requesting clarification on earlier reports about the hacking of computer systems in Hong Kong by US government agencies. The HKSAR Government will continue to follow up on the matter so as to protect the legal rights of the people of Hong Kong."

Wikileaks founder Julian Assange said in a statement?Sunday?that his organization was providing legal and logistical help to move Snowden to a safe haven in a "democratic country."

"Mr. Snowden is flying in an Aeroflot aircraft over Russian airspace, accompanied by WikiLeaks legal advisers," Mr. Assange said.

Upon arrival in Moscow he will be "met by diplomats from the country that will be his ultimate destination. Diplomats from that country will accompany him on a further flight to his destination," he added. The third country is still not named, but experts say it's most likely to be Venezuela or Ecuador.

"Owing to WikiLeaks' own circumstances, we have developed significant expertise in international asylum and extradition law, associated diplomacy and the practicalities in these matters," Assange said.?"I have great personal sympathy for Ed Snowden's position. WikiLeaks absolutely supports his decision to blow the whistle on the mass surveillance of the world's population by the US government."

Snowden's latest revelations, published in Hong Kong's South China Morning Post?on Sunday, indicate that US intelligence agencies have been hacking Chinese mobile phone companies to steal millions of text messages.

Russian security expert Andrei Soldatov, who edits, an online journal that focuses on the secret services, says that in addition to granting Snowden safe passage to Cuba on an Aeroflot jetliner, Russia may have played a deeper role in helping to arrange his flight.

He suggests that the Kremlin's English-language satellite news network, RT, which enjoys very close relations with WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange, could have used its offices to help Wikileaks hook up with Snowden in Hong Kong,?

"There are reports that Assange's assistant, Sarah Harrison, is flying on the same plane with Snowden," says Mr. Soldatov.?"Involvement of RT would make sense, since RT has close cooperation with Assange, and he did a series of programs for them last year [Russia gives WikiLeaks' Julian Assange a TV platform]. The involvement of WikiLeaks requires no explanation. It wants to maintain itself as the key center for all disclosures of the kind that Snowden brought to the world," he adds.?

Soldatov says Russian assistance is also logical, for wider reasons than just an opportunity to stick it to Uncle Sam.

"Russia and China have been involved in a so-far unsuccessful struggle to change the rules of the Internet, by taking control of it away from the US-based Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) and giving its functions to a wider, non-US-based entity," he says.

"The Russians and Chinese have been posing, for these purposes, as big defenders of Internet freedom. This political context helps to explain RT's close relations with WikiLeaks as well.... So, it makes sense for them to help Snowden too. Russian authorities see an opportunity to present themselves as the new center of refuge for whistleblowers against US dominance in Cyberspace. It's a coup for them," he adds.??


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Saturday, June 29, 2013

Chuck Norris vs. skin cancer's covert culprits - WND

Chuck, I was in a discussion the other day with a co-worker, and he said we can get skin cancer from things besides the sun. What are those covert culprits? ? Tom L., San Antonio

July is UV Safety Month, so there is no better time to address this question than now. And let?s not forget that the skin is the largest organ in the human body.

According to the American Cancer Society, more than 3.5 million cases of basal and squamous cell skin cancers, also known as non-melanoma cancers, are diagnosed annually in the U.S. Melanoma, the more dangerous type, will account for more than 76,600 cases of skin cancer in 2013. It also accounts for roughly 9,000 of the 12,000-plus deaths caused by skin cancer each year.

The ACS says basal and squamous cell skin cancers are very common, very treatable and often found in sun-exposed areas ? such as the head, neck and arms. Melanoma is more difficult to treat and is usually brown or black, but it also can be pink, tan or even white. And a fourth type of cancer, skin lymphoma, starts in cells that are part of the body?s immune system.

According to the ACS, risk factors for non-melanoma and melanoma skin cancers include:

  • Being exposed to excessive or unprotected ultraviolet radiation, such as that from sunlight or a tanning booth. (The ACS says: ?Tanning beds and sun lamps are dangerous. They also damage your skin.?)
  • Having suffered severe sunburns in the past.
  • Having pale skin, being easily sunburned or having natural red or blond hair.
  • Having many or unusual moles.
  • Your or a family member?s having had skin cancer.

That is why Dr. Sherrif Ibrahim, an assistant professor of dermatology at the University of Rochester Medical Center, told HealthDay: ?Hands down, sun exposure is the biggest risk factor for skin cancer. And it?s a cumulative risk. The more exposure you?ve gotten the bigger the risk. The skin doesn?t know if you?re out one time for an hour or 12 times for five minutes at a time. Your skin keeps a running meter.?

Tanning booths have been linked to skin cancer diagnoses because ?the kind of light produced by tanning beds isn?t better or worse than natural sunshine, but people may get more and longer exposure, especially in areas where outside they might display more modesty,? according to Dr. Alan Fleischer, a dermatology professor at Wake Forest Baptist Medical Center.

However, the sun and tanning booths are not solely responsible for skin cancers. There are other things that might seem to have little to do with skin but have strong correlations or links to skin cancer.

For example, Ibrahim explained that people who have organ transplants increase their odds by 200 times of having skin cancer because of medications that have to be taken to suppress the immune system.

And Fleischer explained that people with autoimmune diseases, who often take the same medications, also can increase their chances of developing skin cancer because of those drugs.

In addition, some of the genes that cause Parkinson?s disease have also been linked to skin cancers. And on-the-job exposure to coal tar pitch, creosote, radium, arsenic compounds and some pesticides also may give rise to skin cancer.

Fleischer said that even getting a manicure exposes one to UV radiation, which is used to harden polishes.

Compact fluorescent light bulbs, the so-called eco-friendly light bulbs, recently were studied by Berlin?s Alab Laboratory and found to release several carcinogenic chemicals and toxins ? such as phenol, naphthalene and styrene ? when merely turned on.

One other popular trend making it more difficult to recognize potential skin cancers is tattoos.

HealthDay noted: ?Although tattoos aren?t known to increase the risk for skin cancer, tattoos can make it harder to detect cancer-related changes in moles. If you?re considering a tattoo, make sure there aren?t any moles in the area you?re thinking about inking, according to experts from the American Academy of Dermatology.?

For more information on skin cancer and how to identify and prevent it, go to the websites for the American Cancer Society and the American Academy of Dermatology.

Next week, I will discuss some surprising cures and preventive measures for skin cancer and some cautions about the ingredients in your sunscreen, which may be exacerbating your sunburns and your skin?s aging.

Write to Chuck Norris with your questions about health and fitness. Follow Chuck Norris through his official social media sites, on Twitter @chucknorris and Facebook?s ?Official Chuck Norris Page.? He blogs at


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US warns on Egypt travel, moves to reduce presence (The Arizona Republic)

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Good Reads: From a bold vision for China to cyberwarfare to Norwegian fishing

This week's round-up of Good Reads includes China's desire to become the world's main superpower, Edward Snowden's confessional video, the ease of making cyberweapons, eradicating global poverty, and the demise of Norwegian fishermen.

By Allison Terry,?Correspondent / June 26, 2013

Chinese President Xi Jinping visits with President Obama in California.

Evan Vucci/AP


China's Worldview

China?s new president, Xi Jinping, has a bold vision for his country, inspired by its ancient prestige. In Time magazine, Hannah Beech describes how Mr. Xi intends for China to match US military capabilities, becoming the strongest country economically, politically, and culturally.

Skip to next paragraph Allison Terry


Allison Terry works on the national news desk for the Christian Science Monitor. She also contributes to the culture section and Global News blog.

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This ?China Dream,? depending on how Xi shapes his tenure as president, could lead to shifts in international dynamics. ?How China sees the world matters because Chinese aspirations, tastes and fears will shape the lives of billions of people across the globe. Indeed ... China ? and its worldview ? may once again dictate the narrative of our age,? Ms. Beech writes.

But despite its desire to become the world?s main superpower, China must deal with internal issues first, Beech writes. Chief among these is stanching the exodus of the country?s elite ? 150,000 Chinese received permanent residency abroad in 2011. ?When a nation?s elite is ready to bolt at a moment?s notice, it says much about the regime?s lack of legitimacy and its staying power,? David Shambaugh, a China scholar, told Beech.

Hero or traitor?

In a carefully executed leak, former National Security Administration contractor Edward Snowden unveiled documents showing how US government programs mine communication data including people?s e-mails, Facebook posts, and even Skype chats. Digital surveillance is not new, especially during this era of heightened national security awareness. Gathering electronic information is legal under the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act, but Mr. Snowden said the government is redefining what is constitutional, creating ?architecture of oppression.?

In an identity-revealing video interview with Glenn Greenwald of The Guardian, Mr. Snowden explained why people should be worried about the government?s actions.?

?Even if you are not doing anything wrong, you are being watched and recorded. And the storage capabilities of these systems increases every year, consistently by orders of magnitude,? Snowden said, adding that just a wrong call could raise suspicion. ?Then they can use the system to go back in time and scrutinize every decision you?ve ever made, every friend you?ve ever discussed something with, and attack you on that basis to sort of derive suspicion from an innocent life and paint anyone in the context of a wrongdoer.?

The fallout of his actions is not yet known as the United States arranges to press charges against the whistle-blower. Whether he is a hero or a traitor depends on how one weighs the balance between civil liberties and national security.


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Friday, June 28, 2013

Telomere length influences cancer cell differentiation

June 27, 2013 ? Researchers from the Japanese Foundation for Cancer Research in Tokyo have discovered that forced elongation of telomeres (extensions on the end of chromosomes) promotes the differentiation of cancer cells, probably reducing malignancy, which is strongly associated with a loss of cell differentiation. They report their findings in a manuscript published online ahead of print, in the journal Molecular and Cellular Biology.

"Cancer cells may maintain short telomeres to maintain their undifferentiated state," says Hiroyuki Seimiya, a researcher on the study.

Telomeres are protective extensions on the ends of chromosomes, which shorten as cells age, like an hourglass running down. They protect the end of the chromosome from deterioration or from fusion with neighboring chromosomes.Without telomeres chromosomes would progressively lose genetic information as cells divide and replicate.

Cancer cells have shorter telomeres compared to healthy cells, but they guard their immortality by maintaining these telomeres' length.

In the study, the forced elongation of cancer cells' telomeres suppressed a number of genes and proteins that appear to be involved in tumor malignancy, according to the report. For example, one of these factors, N-cadherin, is involved in prostate cancer metastasis.

Based on their results, the investigators now propose that telomeres also modulate the behavior of cells by controlling gene expression, by as yet unknown mechanisms, says Seimiya. His research, he says, may ultimately lead to new types of treatments for cancer.

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The above story is reprinted from materials provided by American Society for Microbiology.

Note: Materials may be edited for content and length. For further information, please contact the source cited above.

Journal Reference:

  1. K. Hirashima, T. Migita, S. Sato, Y. Muramatsu, Y. Ishikawa, H. Seimiya. Telomere length influences cancer cell differentiation in vivo. Molecular and Cellular Biology, 2013; DOI: 10.1128/MCB.00136-13

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Key Account Sales Manager at Tropikal Brands,Kenya

Tropikal Brands (Afrika) Limited is fast growing company that specializes in Household (Tropikal Air Fresheners and Bolt Insecticides) and personal care products (Yolanda Deodorants).? We also market and distribute Pringles, Trisa Toothbrushes among others.?

We are looking for an aggressive and passionate Key Account Sales Manager to enable expansion of our products range and markets.

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  • Manage and grow sales, including management of receivables.
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  • Conduct quarterly business reviews with all Key Accounts
  • Ensure listing of portfolio of existing and new products in all outlets.
  • Manage, motivate and provide leadership to a team of Sales Executives.
  • A good university degree in a business related field.?
  • The candidate should have proven experience of at least 3 years in Key Accounts management, with at least one year at manager level.?
  • She/he should be able to demonstrate business closing skills, high motivation for sales, prospecting skills, market knowledge, presentation skills and a high degree of professionalism.
Interested applicants should apply by email indicating current and expected salary on? latest CV addressed to the Human Resources Manager before close of business JUNE 28, 2013.


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RBS to decide on branch sale plan in July - sources

By Matt Scuffham

LONDON (Reuters) - Royal Bank of Scotland will make a decision on how to offload hundreds of branches it has been ordered to sell by European regulators in the next month, industry sources told Reuters on Friday.

RBS is preparing the business, code named Rainbow, for a stock market flotation but is open to the idea of first selling substantial stakes to strategic investors prior to an initial public offering. The investor would then stay on as a dominant force in the floated company after the IPO.

The bank must sell 315 branches as a condition of receiving a 45.5 billion pound government rescue in 2008 which left it 82 percent state-owned.

Industry sources said RBS is considering proposals from 3 sets of investors who could serve as the strategic partner.

One consortium is led by private equity firms Centerbridge and Corsair and has backing from the Church of England's investment fund, while another comprises several of Britain's biggest investment firms and is led by former Tesco finance director, Andy Higginson.

A third proposal has been submitted by British private equity firm Anacap Financial Partners, in conjunction with U.S. private equity group, Blackstone . RBS could also pursue a stock market flotation of the branches on its own without having additional investors on board, the sources said.

RBS is not yet favouring a particular proposal.

"All bids have their merits and it is too early to say which bidder is most likely to succeed," said one source close to the sale process.

RBS is aiming to tell potential investors what its plans are in the next month, the sources said, although that timetable is not set in stone.

An IPO could happen any time in the next two years, the sources said, but the bank would like to go earlier to avoid competing against a glut of impending bank share sales.

The government is planning to start selling its shares in Lloyds Banking Group soon while Lloyds is looking to spin off 630 branches via a stock market flotation.

The deal adds to an increasingly busy block of UK bank assets seeking investment or new capital over the next year, raising questions of whether the market will be swallow everything.

Spain's Santander and Virgin Money, the financial group that is part of Richard Branson's empire, are both planning to float their UK businesses.

The sale of the RBS branches was halted in October when Santander pulled out of a deal to buy the whole portfolio for 1.65 billion pounds. RBS has said a sale this year is now unlikely, meaning it will have to ask European regulators to extend a December 2013 deadline.

(Additional reporting by Laura Noonan; editing by Patrick Graham)


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Thursday, June 27, 2013

Texas Senator Gains Fame for Antiabortion Filibuster (WSJ)

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New bill aims to rein in NSA?s snooping powers

STOCKHOLM (Reuters) - Ingvar Kamprad, founder of furniture company IKEA, announced on Wednesday he plans to return home to Sweden 40 years after leaving the country to escape its high taxes. Kamprad, 87, said he would return from Switzerland before year-end and settle down on a farm outside of Almhult, a southern Swedish town where he founded IKEA 70 years ago and put Swedish "flat-pack" furniture on the global map. "Moving back to Sweden gets me closer to my family and my old friends," Kamprad said in a statement. ...


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Dish withdraws its offer to buy Clearwire

Sprint Dish Wire

And with that, Dish is (seemingly) out of the running: following a decision to back away from buying Sprint, the satellite TV giant has also withdrawn its bid for Clearwire. The company is bowing out due to a "change in recommendation" at Clearwire -- in other words, shareholders now prefer Sprint's recently sweetened offer. Between that and Sprint's lawsuit, we're not expecting Dish to make another acquisition attempt, especially when Softbank's acquisition of Sprint (and thus Clearwire) could close in a matter of weeks.

Filed under: , ,


Via: Bloomberg News (Twitter)

Source: Dish


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Wednesday, June 26, 2013

'American Idol' Adding MTV Video, Movie Awards Duo to Producing Team

By Jethro Nededog

LOS ANGELES ( - Fox's "American Idol" is going for full spectacle when it returns for Season 13.

An individual with knowledge of the negotiations told TheWrap that producing pair Jesse Ignjatovic and Evan Prager are close to signing on to the music competition as the producers for 19 Entertainment.

Under their production company Den of Thieves, Ignjatovic and Prager are well versed in creating big televised music events.

No strangers to reboots, the duo took over production of the MTV Movie Awards last year, edging out "The Voice" producer Mark Burnett. They have also produced MTV's Video Music Awards, VH1's "Divas" concert and the CMT Music Awards.

19 Entertainment declined to comment. Fox didn't immediately respond to our request for comment.

This is just the latest development in the major makeover Fox is undertaking as a result of "Idol's" continuing downward trend in the ratings.

The Den of Thieves pair will join newly hired showrunner Per Blankens, previously the producer of Swedish "Idol." News Corp. executive and veteran live-sporting-event producer David Hill will oversee production in the wake of Fox reality chief Mike Darnell's sudden exit in May.

As TheWrap first reported, "Idol" fired founding producers Nigel Lythgoe and FremantleMedia's Ken Warwick.

Additionally, judges Randy Jackson, Mariah Carey and Nicki Minaj have confirmed the exits we reported first in May. That leaves lone judge Keith Urban and host Ryan Seacrest, who has another year on his contract.

Waiting in the wings is Oscar winner and "Idol" alum Jennifer Hudson. Her $4-5 million judging contract has been held up at Fox as it reorganized the production and executive teams in charge of the show.

Previous plans to create an all-alum judging panel have been put on hold and may be scrapped altogether. Fox has approached Kelly Clarkson, whose reps told TheWrap is not interested in joining the show. Adam Lambert has also been floated at Fox for a seat on the judges' panel, but last we heard he hasn't been formally approached.

Los Angeles-based Den of Thieves is represented by CAA.

(Sharon Waxman contributed to this report)


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Antoni Gaud?: Why he's called 'God's architect' (+video)

Antoni Gaud? was dubbed 'God's Architect' by his contemporaries. He insisted that his lavish architectural work was for the glory of God.?Google honored him Tuesday?with a doodle.

By Katherine Jacobsen,?Contributor / June 25, 2013

Antoni Gaud? transformed the skyline in Barcelona, Spain. Google celebrated his work with a doodle on Tuesday.



The Sagrada Familia soars nearly 560 feet into the Barcelona skyline, ensconced by scaffolding, towered over by cranes. Around 2026, the extremities will be removed, and the Spanish basilica will stand as the tallest church building in the world more than 140 years after its construction began. For Antoni Gaud?, the Sagrada Familia?s architect, the massive structure was meant as a tribute to both god and the Roman Catholic Church. But after Mr. Gaud??s death, the church?s spires also came to symbolize the city it was in, and the architect who lovingly planned the details of its shape and sinews.

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Tuesday?s Google Doodle celebrates what would have been?Gaud??s 161st birthday. The Spanish architect was born in the Catalonia region of Spain on June 25, 1852 and died after a streetcar hit the architect, 15 days shy of his 74th birthday.

It seems fitting that Tuesday?s Doodle has no pictures of the often-reserved Gaud?, but rather of his iconic architecture. ?

The artist grew up the sickly youngest child of a family along the Mediterranean, and his poor health is thought to have contributed to his aloof demeanor. In his youth, Gaud??often displayed indulgent tastes, and never married ??Gaud??was reportedly only attracted to one woman, a local teacher, who rebuffed his advances. As he aged, Gaud??grew increasingly religious and drew into his Roman Catholic faith.

The architect became famous around Barcelona for saying, ?My client can wait.? Gaud?'s?mission was to give glory to God through his work. God?s work, he reasoned, should not be rushed.?The Association for the Beatification of Antoni Gaudi said that the architect?s beatification is currently underway.

While the lingering project of the Sagrada Familia certainly stands as a testimony to Gaud??s painstakingly methodical working style, the city of Barcelona is a museum to his works. The Parc Guell, a park in the center of the city, is sprinkled with benches, porticoes, and sculptures that sparkle with the architect?s signature mosaic style. (Gaud? coined a new style of mosaic, trencadis, which involved applying broken tiles or glass to already-formed three-dimensional objects). And the Casa Mila, also called La Pedrera (The Quarry) curves in soft waves, designed by the architect. ?

When it comes to classifying Gaudi?s work, he is usually considered the father to Catalan Modernism, a style that was said to imbue the Art Nouveau style that was sweeping across Europe with a distantly Catalan flair, though the artist himself shied away from the political overtones of this classification. It is perhaps more fitting to identify Gaudi by the patterns and the geometrical shape?he saw in his native Mediterranean?landscape, and integrated into his own architecture.

Seven of Gaudi?s works in the Barcelona area are UNESCO World Heritage Sites.


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New brain imaging study provides support for the notion of food addiction

June 26, 2013 ? Consuming highly processed carbohydrates can cause excess hunger and stimulate brain regions involved in reward and cravings, according to a Boston Children's Hospital research team led by David Ludwig, MD, PhD director, New Balance Foundation Obesity Prevention Center. These findings suggest that limiting these "high-glycemic index" foods could help obese individuals avoid overeating.

The study, published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition on June 26, 2013, investigates how food intake is regulated by dopamine-containing pleasure centers of the brain.

"Beyond reward and craving, this part of the brain is also linked to substance abuse and dependence, which raises the question as to whether certain foods might be addictive," says Ludwig.

To examine the link, researchers measured blood glucose levels and hunger, while also using functional magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) to observe brain activity during the crucial four-hour period after a meal, which influences eating behavior at the next meal. Evaluating patients in this time frame is one novel aspect of this study, whereas previous studies have evaluated patients with an MRI soon after eating.

Twelve overweight or obese men consumed test meals designed as milkshakes with the same calories, taste and sweetness. The two milkshakes were essentially the same; the only difference was that one contained rapidly digesting (high-glycemic index) carbohydrates and the other slowly digesting (low-glycemic index) carbohydrates.

After participants consumed the high-glycemic index milkshake, they experienced an initial surge in blood sugar levels, followed by sharp crash four hours later.

This decrease in blood glucose was associated with excessive hunger and intense activation of the nucleus accumbens, a critical brain region involved in addictive behaviors.

Prior studies of food addiction have compared patient reactions to drastically different types of foods, such as high-calorie cheesecake versus boiled vegetables.

Another novel aspect of this study is how a specific dietary factor that is distinct from calories or sweetness, could alter brain function and promote overeating.

"These findings suggest that limiting high-glycemic index carbohydrates like white bread and potatoes could help obese individuals reduce cravings and control the urge to overeat," says Ludwig.

Though the concept of food addiction remains provocative, the findings suggest that more interventional and observational studies be done. Additional research will hopefully inform clinicians about the subjective experience of food addiction, and how we can potentially treat these patients and regulate their weight.


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Tuesday, June 25, 2013

These Trippy Dripping Ink Portraits Are Face-Meltingly Creepy

These Trippy Dripping Ink Portraits Are Face-Meltingly Creepy

When you're painting, drips are usually bad. But if you're clever enough, you can put 'em to good use. That's what artist Ben Dehaan did with his project "Uncured," by using a print loaded with some ultraviolet cured ink to create face-melting portraits worthy of Raiders of the Lost Ark.




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Rover Explores Chile Desert to Aid Mars Life Hunt

A solar-powered rover is searching for microbes beneath the parched surface of Chile's Atacama Desert, on a mission that could aid the Mars life hunt down the road.

The four-wheeled rover, named Zoe, began a two-week field campaign in the Atacama on June 17. Its work could help NASA decide how best to equip its next Mars rover, which is set to launch toward the Red Planet in 2020, scientists say.

"Scientifically, the study helps us understand how life survives in extreme environments with implications to both Earth and Mars," said David Wettergreen, research professor in Carnegie Mellon?s Robotics Institute and principal investigator for the Life in the Atacama project. "Technologically, we are learning about the mechanisms and the algorithms that will enable us to explore the subsurface of other planets." [The Search for Life on Mars (A Photo Timeline)]

Drilling deep

Two NASA rovers ? Opportunity and its bigger, younger cousin Curiosity ? are currently active on the surface of Mars. While both are investigating the Red Planet's past and present ability to host life, neither robot was designed to hunt for evidence of microbes.

But future rovers may well do so, and Zoe ? which measures 9 feet long by 6 feet wide (2.7 by 1.8 meters) ? could help scientists and engineers map out an action plan.

Zoe is part of a NASA astrobiology mission that's led by Carnegie Mellon University and the SETI (Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence) Institute and supported by a $3 million grant from the space agency.

NASA often tests its rovers in the bone-dry Atacama, which is perhaps the best Mars analog here on Earth. Zoe has been there before, back in 2005. This time around, though, it has an extra tool ? a 3.3-foot (1 m) drill made by Honeybee Robotics to hunt for subsurface life.

Zoe is also outfitted with a soil-analyzing instrument called the Mars Microbeam Raman Spectrometer, which could be part of a future Red Planet rover.

Understanding whether or not there could be life underneath the Martian surface depends on a variety of factors, and the Atacama offers "one of the Earth?s harshest climates" for such a study, said planetary geologist Nathalie Cabrol, senior research scientist at the SETI Institute's Carl Sagan Center and the science lead for the Life in the Atacama project.

Zoe is expected to cover 19 to 31 miles (30 to 50 kilometers) during its two-week field campaign and perform one or two drilling operations every day, researchers said.

Independent robot

The current mission started in 2012, when the team went to the Atacama without the robot. Researchers drilled numerous holes and took various measurements, such as hydrogen abundance to quantify moisture and soil composition.

The scientists detected microorganisms in the Atacama ? and now those findings will be compared with what Zoe can do on its own.

"Zoe is more autonomous that previous rovers and able to operate for days, finding its way from one goal to the next and automatically detecting features of interest that it should examine along the way," said Wettergreen, adding that the robot will work completely independently for several days at a time.

Zoe will have to follow a set of pre-determined instructions about the area to cover and the data to collect each day, taking a break at night and automatically resuming work at dawn. This will allow the researchers to verify whether Zoe is indeed ready to be left all alone, Wettergreen said.

"The greatest challenge is in the integration of robot, mechanisms, instrument and software," he said. "Each piece may individually work, but to have everything cooperating and functioning unaided in the field requires significant effort and continuous refinement and improvement."

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Assange: Snowden receives refugee document from Ecuador

DEAR ABBY: I was taken away from my parents at 13 and placed into foster care, where I stayed until I aged out at 21. My biological mother is a drug addict who abandoned me to my father when I was 11. She never tried to contact me while I was in care.I am now 24 and she won't leave me alone. She sends Facebook messages that alternate between begging me to let her get to know me, and condemning me for being vindictive and not having forgiveness in my heart. Abby, this woman exposed me to drugs and all manner of seedy people and situations. ...


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Monday, June 24, 2013

Ecuador says Snowden seeking asylum there

Ecuador's Foreign Mister Ricardo Patino speaks to reporters at a hotel during his visit to Vietnam Monday, June 24, 2013. Patino said that his government is analyzing an asylum request from Edward Snowden, the former National Security Agency contractor wanted for revealing classified secrets. (AP Photo/Tran Van Minh)

Ecuador's Foreign Mister Ricardo Patino speaks to reporters at a hotel during his visit to Vietnam Monday, June 24, 2013. Patino said that his government is analyzing an asylum request from Edward Snowden, the former National Security Agency contractor wanted for revealing classified secrets. (AP Photo/Tran Van Minh)

A TV screen shows a news report of Edward Snowden, a former CIA employee who leaked top-secret documents about sweeping U.S. surveillance programs, at a shopping mall in Hong Kong Sunday, June 23, 2013. The former National Security Agency contractor wanted by the United States for revealing two highly classified surveillance programs has been allowed to leave for a "third country" because a U.S. extradition request did not fully comply with Hong Kong law, the territory's government said Sunday. (AP Photo/Vincent Yu)

(AP) ? Ecuador's foreign minister said Monday his country will act not on its interests but on its principles as it considers an asylum request from National Security Agency leaker Edward Snowden, wanted for revealing classified U.S. secrets.

Speaking to reporters through a translator at a hotel in Hanoi, Foreign Minister Ricardo Patino said the asylum request "has to do with freedom of expression and with the security of citizens around the world."

Patino spoke briefly to reporters on his way to a meeting with Vietnam's foreign minister. He did not say how long it would take Ecuador to decide.

Snowden was on a flight from Hong Kong that arrived in Moscow Sunday and was booked on a flight to Cuba Monday, the Russian news agencies ITAR-Tass and Interfax reported, citing unnamed airline officials.

"We know that he's currently in Moscow, and we are ... in touch with the highest authorities of Russia," Patino said.

Anti-secrecy group WikiLeaks said Snowden was bound for Ecuador "via a safe route for the purposes of asylum, and is being escorted by diplomats and legal advisers from WikiLeaks." The organization's founder Julian Assange, was granted asylum by Ecuador last year and has been staying at the country's embassy in the United Kingdom.

The Russian reports said a plane carrying Snowden arrived in Moscow on Sunday and he was booked on a flight to Cuba on Monday. The reports cited unnamed airline officials and said he intended to travel from Cuba to Caracas, Venezuela. There was also speculation that he might try to reach Ecuador.

Snowden had been in hiding in Hong Kong for several weeks after he revealed information on the highly classified spy programs.

Patino said Ecuador would not base its asylum decision on its potential to damage the country's relationship with the United States

"There are some governments that act more upon their own interests, but we do not," Patino said. "We act upon our principles."

He added, "We take care of the human rights of the people."

Patino was to hold a news conference Monday evening in Hanoi.

WikiLeaks said it was providing legal help to Snowden at his request and that he was being escorted by diplomats and legal advisers from the group.

Assange has spent a year inside the Ecuadorean Embassy in London to avoid extradition to Sweden to face questioning about sex crime allegations. He told the Sydney Morning Herald that his organization is in a position to help Snowden because it has expertise in international asylum and extradition law.

Associated Press


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It'll Take Months to Get a Bride Out of This Lego Wedding Dress

It'll Take Months to Get a Bride Out of This Lego Wedding Dress

Japanese artist Rie Hosokai, of Daisy Balloon, created this amazing piece of high Lego fashion for Tokyo's "Piece of Peace" charity exhibit at the Parco Museum. Structurally it's simply stunning (albeit a bit Disney Princessy). The construction, contour and shape are based on Hosokai's balloon dress. As an item of haute couture, it's not so utilitarian. But as an avant-garde work-of-Lego-art it's simply stunning.




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Bret Michaels survives bus crash

13 hours ago

Image: Bret Michaels.

Ethan Miller / Getty Images

Bret Michaels.

Bret Michaels is one lucky guy.

After a string of health scares and another bus accident back in 2009, the singer has escaped serious injury again, after his tour bus hit several deer on the way to his show in Biloxi, Miss., Friday morning.

NEWS: Bret Michaels talks trashing a hotel room with Charlie Sheen

"Except for some bumps and bruises I am thankful there were no serious injuries," Michaels told Celebuzz. "It is unfortunate for the deer, but thankfully due to modern RV technology and a steel firewall we are all OK. I have every intention to make tonight's show in Biloxi and the tour will continue."

The former Poison frontman only sustained minor cuts and bruises, according to the site.

This is just the latest in a series of scares for Michaels.

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In 2010, he was hospitalized for appendicitis, a stroke, and a brain hemorrhage, which he suffered after banging his head at the Tony Awards in 2009.

And in 2011, he underwent surgery after doctors found a hole in his heart.

Just call him Mr. Unbreakable.

PHOTOS: Check out Bret Michaels' big moments!


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